  • 期刊

Combined Transoral Conventional and Endoscopic Adenoidectomy



目的:本研究主要探討傳統式經口腔合併鼻腔內視鏡腺樣體切除術(CCEA)的成效。方法:蒐集1997年1月至2001年12月共105位罹患腺樣體增生併有慢性鼻塞之兒童。在90度內視鏡引導下,先經口腔刮除腺樣體,其餘內鼻孔底部及torus tubarius殘餘的腺樣體,再用0度及30度內視鏡經由鼻腔以杯狀鉗切除。所有病人術後三個月均接受鼻部內視鏡及頭部側面X光檢查。結果:105位病人皆無術後出血現象,鼻塞症狀於術後2星期內皆消失。結論:合併傳統式及經鼻內視鏡腺樣體切除術對於腺樣體的切除、內鼻孔底部及torus tubarius周圍腺樣體的移除是非常有效的,而且更能避免傳統手術容易產生的併發症。


Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of combined approach of conventional and endoscopic transnasal adenoidectomy (CCEA). Methods: Between January 1997 and December 2001, 105 children with adenoid vegetation were enrolled in the study. The patients all suffered from chronic nasal obstruction. Under 90° endoscopic guidence, the patients underwent adenoidectomy using an appropriate adenoid curette transorally and the residual adenoid tissue surrounding choana sill and torus tubarius was removed with a cup forceps transnasally under the guidance of 0° or 30° endoscope. All patients received a nasoendoscopic examination and skull lateral radiography 3 months after surgery. Results: None of the 105 patients had post-operative nasopharyngeal hemorrhage. Nasal obstruction was relieved in all the105 patients 2 weeks after surgery. Conclusions: The combined approach of conventional and transnasal endoscopic adenoidectomy is effective at removing the adenoid tissue, including adenoid tissue surrounding choana sill and torus tubarius. Furthermore, it provides a better option for prevention of complication than the conventional adenoidectomy.


adenoidectomy endoscopic conventional transnasal
