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Policy Evaluation for Avian-flu Prevention in Taiwan


目的:亞洲地區自從2003年12月15日於南韓發生雞隻感染H5N1病毒引起高病原性家禽流行性感冒疫情開始,陸績有越南、日本,柬埔寨、泰國。印尼、香港、中國大陣及寮國等國家地區發生疫情,因而引起國際間的高度關切與重視。臺灣因SARS疫情之肆虐,國人對於類似呼吸道及高危險傳染疾病之流行仍心有猶悸。本研究希望能以漸進主義模型為主,機關組織模式為輔,探討我國禽流感防治政策在全球治理下的效益,期能為我國提供最適切之防治政策。方法:本研究架構係以唐恩的「政策分析:一個整合性的架構」(Policy Analysis: An Integrated Framework)當為分析骨幹,藉以探討評估政策資訊五大要素:政策問題、政策未來、政策行動、政策結果及政策績效。另政策分析程序分別以問題建構、監測、評估、預視、推介方法來評值。結果:由於2003年的SARS重創台灣,台北市搭配地理資訊系統完成城市聯合防疫網路平台的架設,與亞太城市建立聯防體系,加入跨國聯盟的機制,這也是我國政府在SARS經驗後,在現實政治缺乏邦交支援的環境中,考量漸進主義具政治上的權宜性及實務上的實用性,且較容易在充滿衝突的政治場域中達成共識與支持所為的作法,亦即想盡辦法與國際接軌,從其位置上的重要與危機性,避免使我國成為防疫線上的漏洞。另研究發現我國並非世界衛生組織會員國,未來大流行發生時,是否能獲得國際間防疫資源的公平分配不得而知,且與國際間往來頻繁,尤其與中國大陸及東南亞國家之交流更為密切,而該地區正是最有可能引爆疫情之處,因此我國更應積極籌劃因應流感大流行之準備計畫,以確實保障國民健康,避免嚴重經濟損失。結論:綜觀我國在禽流感防治的作為,試以Credit Lyons Securities Asia Special Report所評估,認為之亞太地區各國流感大流行風險指數來做總結,我國的努力應是值得自我肯定的。


Objectives: Since December 15, 2003, some chicken in South Korea were infected by H5N1 virus that caused the highly pathogenic avian influenza (Avian-flu), the same epidemic happened subsequently in Vietnam, Japan, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Mainland China and Laos etc, which brought great international attention. As SARS had raged in our country, people’s lingering fear persists for similar pestilence of respiratory tract and high risk transmitted diseases, therefore, government is deeply concerned about the protective measures of highly pathogenic Avian-flu which will easily infect human and animals. Methods: For the prevalence of various new epidemic diseases cannot be easily controlled and the policy constitutors could not predict all the consequence of adopted policies with limited prophetic ability. The research may explore the effect of Avian-flu prevention policy in our country integrating with the global governance by evaluation based on the approach of incremental model and institutional model. Results: The results is shown as following: (1)Taipei has adopted the policy to coordinate geographic information system with network platform for coordinative of city alliance epidemic prevention and allied with Asian-Pacific cities to establish the joint defense system, which helps our country to enter into multinational alliance mechanism in this epidemic prevention action and reach consensus in the conflict political field. We also spare no effort to keep up with the international society and promote our country’s status to avoid being a loophole in the epidemic prevention. (2)Our country has not been a member of World Health Organization, and it is still unknown that whether we could be assisted with equitable distribution of the international epidemic prevention resources. Moreover, the exchange and communication with Mainland China and Southeast Asia is more intimately. While our country is in the area where epidemic could be easily happen, therefore, it should be prepared activity for resisting avian influenza prevalence to ensure national health and avoid serious economic losses. Conclusions: The research will evaluate the outcome of prevention policy on the basis of Credit Lyons Securities Asia Special Report and concludes with risk index of Avian-flu prevalence in Asian-Pacific countries, which indicates that our country's effort should be praised.


陳珉吟(2013)。食品政治或食品安全? 以台灣禽流感與美國牛肉進口為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613541276
