  • 期刊


Applying Knowledge Management Analysis in Telemedicine Education-an Example from Matsu Area



目的:本研究藉由討論知識管理與遠距醫療教育的關係了解兩者的關聯性;再以此關聯性為出發點,為建置網路E-Portal,提供遠距醫療教育系統進行知識管理策略分析。提供相關知識地圖,作為日後提升遠距醫療繼續教育系統的參考,期望藉由此E-Portal的建置能給予醫療人員終身學習。方法:本研究之研究對象,為當地醫療人員及由台北支援的醫師 ,調查時間為一星期,以問卷調查之外並配合個別訪談的方式,以調查遠距教育系統人員與隱性知識的對應關係。結果:關於使用院內醫療知識分享平台的頻率上,(1)75%使用者為每個月至少一次會使用此平台進行遠距會議;(2)每次使用知識分享平台的時間約為30分鐘至60分鐘內(65%);(3)使用者對於此平台操作上是否感覺容易操作,70%的人感覺容易使用;(4)使用遠距設備進行知識分享或會議時,85%的人感覺不會有聲音或影像的延遲,亦即網路的通訊品質是優良;(5)75%認為使用此平台可以節省許多交通時間,平均值為4.0;(6)85% 認為可以接受使用此模式進行會議與學習,本研究顯示大多數身在馬祖醫療人員願意接受遠距醫療學習方式。結論:本研究建構有關醫療知識分享平台,並透過虛擬私有網路讓馬祖醫師可以及時地參與台北的醫療會議以達到遠距醫療繼續教育實質意義之服務,在全球化的今日,每天都有嶄新的科技知識與專業技術的產生,資訊技術有助於知識的創造、知識的外顯化,以及知識在組織間的傳播。遠距教育的重要影響因素將不再是科技研發功能的強弱,而是由更具智慧的知識計劃者、教育家、學習者與管理者的專業團隊共同發展組成。


In this research, we first describe then building of an E-Portal website that combines a knowledge module with a virtual private network that enables Matsu’s physicians via the internet to access medical meetings in Taipei in a timely fashion. Then, we use this as a background to focus on analyzing the knowledge management strategy in terms of prospective use as a distance education system; this involved, utilizing the knowledge map as a blueprint for distance education system design. Methods: A structured questionnaire was developed about medical staff attitudes towards our knowledge management platform. Furthermore, we also used an interview survey of the medical staff that provide Matsu's residents with medical services. Result: The research showed the following. (1) most users logged on to the medical KM platform at least once every month (75%). (2) Most users logged into the Knowledge Management platform for between 30mins to 60mins (65%). (3) Most users thought that the KM platform was easy to operate (70%). (4) Most users thought that the network bandwidth quality highly adequate (85%). (5) Most users beleived that the Knowledge Management platform saved them traffic time as well as saving money (75%). (6) Overall, the users beleived that Knowledge Management platform was acceptable and should be used (85%). Conclusions: In this study, we constructed a web-based Knowledge Management platform containing various functional medical modules. The results produced a medical Knowledge map that can be used for medical education when designing systems in the future.


