  • 期刊


The Health Situation of the People Attending Free Clinic Services in Ulaanbaatar and Hovd Aimag, Mongolia




Objective: Taipei International Medical Assistance Team (IMAT) went to Mongolia from September 8th to 19th in 2008. Taipei IMAT provided five days of medical services for Ulaanbaatar and Hovd Aimag and held symposiums on the topic of health promotion and viral hepatitis treatment with the Health Department of Ulaanbaatar. A study of overweightness, obesity and hypertension prevalence among patients received during the current medical services was conducted. an investigation of the anti-hypertensive treatment compliance rate was also conducted. Methods: In total, 823 Mongolian citizens were recruited during the five days of medical services provided at Ulaanbaatar and Hovd Aimag. The physicians’ diagnoses were defined in accordance with the ninth revision of the International Classification of Disease (ICD-9) for each case. The overweightness and obesity were defined according to the definition of World Health Organization (overweight: BMI >25 Kg/m^2, obesity: BMI >30 Kg/m^2). The gender differences of the prevalence of overweightness, obesity and underweightness were calculated. The prevalence of hypertension (history of hypertension) or suspected hypertension (without history of hypertension but a systolic blood pressure higher than l4OmmHg or diastolic blood pressure higher than 90mmHg during the visit) were also estimated. Results: In total, 233 males (28.31%) and 590 females (71.69%) were included in this study. The prevalence of underweightness, overweightness and obesity were 5.08%, 23.16% and 14.69% among males and 1.14%, 34.67% and 21.71% among females, respectively, for patients aged equal to or more than 15 years. The prevalence of hypertension and suspected hypertension among males >15 years old were 41.24% and 13.56%, respectively; for females >15 years old, the similar prevalences were 52.38% and 7.24%, respectively. The rate of regular medical control of hypertension of males and females who had a history of hypertension were 34.91% and 35.62%, respectively, for patients aged >15 years. The three most common diseases diagnosed were osteoarthritis, hypertension and headache among patients aged >15 years and acute bronchitis, acute pharyngitits and noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis for patients aged <15 years. Conclusion: The prevalence of overweightness, obesity and hypertension among our study population was higher than for the population of Taiwan. In addition, there was a higher rate of poor compliance for anti-hypertensive treatment noted. The cause may be either poor accessibility to medical services or a relatively lack of medical and health education or both. Health promotion activities, such as establishing healthy public policy, creating supportive environments, strengthening community activity, developing personal skills and reorienting the health services, are very ways of improving the health of Mongolian citizens. In the future, Taipei IMAT will continue to provide medical services for Ulaanbaatar and Hovd Aimag citizens.
