  • 期刊

老年人用藥安全概述:摘譯2012年美國老年醫學會Beers Criteria

Overview of Medication Safety in Older Adults: Selective Translation of 2012 American Geriatric Society Beers Criteria


65歲以上老年人是最常出現藥物不良事件(Adverse Drug Events)的族群,因此,2012年美國老年醫學會推出最新版的Beers Criteria,針對三大部分的藥物:1)一般應避免的藥物;2)某些疾病和症狀應避免的藥物;3)使用時要小心監測的藥物,提出建議。本文簡介其中一般應避免的藥物並提供原因說明,同時也建議搭配其他針對老年人用藥安全的指引,如:The Screening Tool of Older Persons Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions (STOPP)和Screening Tool to Alert Doctors to the Right Treatment (START),希望能提昇醫護人員對老年人用藥安全的重視及把關,以減少藥物使用的相關問題。


老年人 用藥安全


Elderly aged 65 or above are the age group with the highest prevalence of adverse drug events. In 2012, the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) updated the Beers criteria for potentially inappropriate medications used in older adults. The purpose of this article is to address the potentially inappropriate medications and classes to be avoided in older adults and rationales provided by the 2012 AGS Beers criteria. These criteria should not replace clinical judgments, but may be used in conjunction with other clinical guides, such as the Screening Tool of Older Persons Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions (STOPP) and Screening Tool to Alert Doctors to the Right Treatment (START), to best guide clinicians in older adults' medication management, increase the awareness of safe use of medications in older adults, and minimize medication-related problems in older adults.


