  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Original Point Therapy on Improving Low Back Pain and Heart Rate Variability


目的:本研究在探討原始點推揉法的介入對於改善護理人員下背痛之不適症狀的情形以及探討原始點推揉法的介入與心率變異度間的變化。方法:主觀分析以疼痛視覺類似量表(visualanalogue scale ,VAS)測量,客觀分析以心率變異度(Heart Rate Variability, HRV)測量儀測量分析自律神經系統的變化,以40位有下背痛護理人員為對象。結果:主觀部份實驗組與對照組之疼痛視覺類似量表分數,其後測均有顯著下降;客觀部份在心率變異度方面,僅有平均心跳數(mean Heart Rate, mHR)有達顯著差異,其他皆未達顯著差異性。討論:分析實驗與對照組,以原始點推揉的實驗組,比較達放鬆效果。下背部疼痛的護理人員,若透過原始點推揉法的介入,除了可以達到改善疼痛的效果,也能夠在睡眠品質、促進身心放鬆等方面獲得改善。


Objectives: This study examined the effects of origin-point therapy in improving the discomfort of low back pain (LBP) and subsequent changes of heart rate variability (HRV) among nursing staffs. Methods: We adopted a quasi-experimental design in this study, and 40 nursing staffs with LBP were purposively sampled from a Taipei regional hospital, and divided equally to the origin-point therapy group and control group. The pain visual scale (VAS) and HRV measurement (HRV) instrument were used to assess the research subjects, and IBM SPSS Statistics 19 was used for data analysis. Results: For subjective measurement, the origin-point therapy group and control group had similar VAS scores at baseline, and the scores of both groups were significantly reduced post-test. For objective measurement, no differences were found in HRV except the mean heart rate. Conclusion: The original point therapy is effective in relieving LBP. The therapy may also improve sleep quality and provide a mean to relaxation in addition to the relief of LBP.
