  • 期刊


Primary Sjögren's Syndrome: Awareness and Importance of Early Diagnosis


修格蘭氏症候群(Sjogren's syndrome),又稱為乾燥症,是一種病因未明的慢性自體免疫疾病。發病的典型症狀為眼睛乾燥、口腔乾燥以及關節疼痛。繼之可能出現口腔念珠菌感染、嚴重齲齒和角膜潰瘍等併發症。部分患者在病發的後期,其它器官系統亦會出現病變。由於修格蘭氏症候群的症狀並不明顯亦無特異性,患者和臨床醫護人員未必察覺,從輕度症狀出現開始,直至最終被確診為修格蘭氏症候群,往往經過5至10年。因此,前線醫護人員應對主訴眼澀口乾等相關症狀的病患多加了解,進行鑑別診斷或及早轉介至風濕免疫專科,藉此減低修格蘭氏症候群病患承受不必要的痛苦和發生併發症的風險。


Sjogren's syndrome is a chronic systemic autoimmune disorder of unknown etiology. The typical symptoms include dry eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca), dry mouth (xerostomia), and joint pain. Complications such as oral candidiasis, severe dental caries, and cornea ulcer can also occur. Other pathological changes in various organ systems may appear in some patients later in the disease course. Since the symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome are nondistinct and non-specific, both the patients and clinical professionals may not be aware of its presence. It often takes five to 10 years after the first appearance of minor symptoms before a definitive diagnosis of Sjogren's syndrome is confirmed. Therefore, frontline healthcare workers should pay attention to patients with complaints of dry eyes and dry mouth, initiate differential diagnoses or consider an early referral to a rheumatologist. By so doing, the unnecessary suffering and risk of complications in patients with Sjogren's syndrome are reduced.


