  • 期刊


The Gradually Comprehended Fibromyalgia


到目前為止,纖維肌痛症(fibromyalgia)尚無法藉由特殊的實驗室檢驗、影像學甚至病理切片的異常做診斷,因此,診斷纖維肌痛症主要靠醫師詳細的病史詢問與身體診查。在下此診斷前,首先要排除其他有類似症狀但有明確病因如:自體免疫疾病、內分泌失調或神經系統病變等。纖維肌痛症的臨床表現相當多樣化,為避免浮濫診斷,且希望診斷能有一致的標準,故須制訂能夠方便應用的診斷準則。因此美國風濕病醫學會(American College of Rheumatology: ACR)曾於1990年制定診斷準則,然後於2010年公布修訂後的新準則。在纖維肌痛症的藥物治療方面,近年則有重大進展:新藥普瑞巴林(pregabalin)對於纖維肌痛症的療效顯著;在非藥物治療方面,療效證據強度較不如藥物治療。隨著醫師對纖維肌痛症有更多認識與理解,必能減輕病人長期身心的痛苦!


Till now, fibromyalgia cannot be diagnosed by specific laboratory tests, images, and examination of pathology sections. The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is still relied on detailed history taking and physical examination by physician. Al l other definite diseases which have similar symptoms, such as autoimmune, endocrine, and neurology diseases, must be excluded prior to making this diagnosis. The clinical presentations of fibromyalgia vary. Convenient and applicable diagnostic criteria should be established so that the disease is diagnosed under the same standard and excess diagnosis avoided. Consequently, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) established the diagnostic criteria in 1990, and the modified ACR criteria was published in 2010. In the aspect of medical treatments, considerable progress has been made in recent years. The new medicine, pregabalin, has obvious treatment effects on fibromyalgia. For the efficacy of non-pharmacological treatment, the strength of evidence is weaker than pharmacological treatment. As the physicians recognize and understand more about fibromyalgia, the long-term physical and psychological sufferings of the patients shall reduce.


fibromyalgia 2010 criteria pregabalin

