  • 期刊


The Association between Traditional Chinese Festivals and Inpatient Mortality


目的:傳統節日來臨前家屬會擔心病重病人無法順利度過,本研究欲探討傳統節日期間重病患者之住院死亡率是否會提高。方法:本研究為病歷回溯,樣本為2009至2015年間台灣北部某區域醫院的病人。挑出在這7年中除夕、端午及中秋前後1週之內所有的出院病人數,以及這段期間內的死亡病人數,計算出死亡率並比較前1週以及後1週是否有差異。結果:三個節日前1週的死亡率在不同性別、年齡、不同年度、疾病別及不同收入族群均無明顯差異。然而除夕後1週的死亡率除了未滿45歲與外傷的病人以外,皆高於前1週(p <0.05)。但在端午與中秋,其前後1週的死亡率在各次族群分析中皆無顯著差異。結論:與依迷信內容所假設的「節日前病人較容易死亡」相反,除夕後1週死亡率顯著增加。此一現象可能與對除夕的重視導致延遲死亡有關;而端午和中秋在人們心中其重要程度和除夕仍有差異。


除夕 端午 中秋 住院死亡率


Objetives: There are many superstitions on Chinese festivals. The Chinese believe that "festivals are big challenges for critical and terminal patients". The patients are afraid of being hospitalized during important festivals such as Chinese New Year's Eve, Dragon Boat Festival and Harvest Moon Festival. This study aimed to explore the relationship between the three Chinese festivals and inpatient mortality. Methods: Patients who had been dead and who had been discharged in a regional hospital in Northern Taiwan during the Chinese New Year's Eve, Dragon Boat Festival and Harvest Moon Festival (one-week period before/after) between 2009 and 2015 were examined in this study. SPSS package was used to calculate the inpatient mortality before and after the festivals. Results: The inpatient mortality of one-week period before the three festivals showed no difference. The mortality of one-week period after the Chinese New Year's Eve was higher than that before, except the trauma patients and those younger than 45 years. No differences were found between the mortality before and after the Dragon Boat Festival and the Harvest Moon Festival. Conclusion: Otherwise from the superstitions, the higher inpatient mortality after the Chinese New Year's Eve maybe due to essential value on Chinese New Year's Eve which therefore delay the death. The Dragon Boat Festival and Harvest Moon Festival may not be as important as Chinese New Year's Eve in people's mind.
