  • 期刊


Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 and the Related Health Policies in Taiwan


過去數十年來,由於近代醫學的進步,使得疾病致死率降低以及預期壽命延長。非致死性疾病對人類健康所造成的負擔則獲得了更多的關注。全球疾病負擔(Global Burden of Disease, GBD)研究發展日益蓬勃,旨在利用人口健康的概括測量,並且探討疾病在全球不同區域的流行病學特性,透過統計與分析,以期對疾病負擔能有更全面性的理解,進而幫助健康系統計畫以及社會政策的制定,從而達到促進人類健康、改善生活品質之最終目的。本文簡介GBD研究中的疾病負擔測量工具,回顧2015年GBD研究主要內容,並且探討台灣的疾病負擔現況、相關衛生醫療政策及其成效。


Because of the progress of modern medicine, disease mortality is reduced and life expectancy is extended over the past few decades. As a result, non-fatal diseases have gained more attentions on their burden on human health. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study aims to quantify and obtain a more comprehensive understanding of disease burden, by utilizing summary measures of population health and epidemiological profiles over different regions. The goal is to promote better health system planning and policies, which ultimately lead to improved public health and life quality. This article introduces measures of disease burden, summarizes the results of GBD study 2015, and discusses the current situation of disease burden in Taiwan, related health policies and their effectiveness.
