  • 期刊


The Professionalization of Security Industry Based on the Collaboration Model among Industry-Government-Academy


省思保全業未來的發展走向,是否甘於淪落受輕視或受宰制的境地?但以保全業工作特性以觀,因關係民眾生命財產安全至巨,有獲取民眾信賴的基本利基,因此無論從功能取向或權力取向的觀點,保全業都有朝向專業化發展的必要與絕對優勢。 本研究以產官學合作模式爲架構,採用參與觀察法、非結構型訪談方法及5WOT分析法。逐一分析探究保全專業化具有那些優勢或困境?該如何建構保全專業,才能使保全專業化的願景得以實現。 研究主要發現產官學一致對保全專業化寄以期許,並都願意共同爲其專業化盡其心力。產官學的體認與付出,頗爲符合Etzkllowitz與Leydesdorff(1998)所提出的產官學三螺旋模式(triple helix model),亦即透過產官學三系統緊密互動與合作,將能有效促進保全業的專業化。 爲求保全專業化奠定更優越的發展利基,本研究提出相關建構作爲,包括縝密建構產官學互動合作平台,用以構思專業化策略;加強安全與防災管理意識之行銷;保全業藍海策略的省思與策進等。


Professionalization is the social process by which any occupation transforms itself into a true profession of the highest integrity and competence. Security industry has niches for professionalization based on function or power approach, because security industry concerns for people's safety. This research adopts the participation method of inspection, the non-structure interview method and the SWOT analytic method based on the Collaboration Model among Industry-Government-Academy. The research main discovered that industry-government-academy looked forward to transforming security industry into a true profession. The Collaboration Model among Industry-Government-Academy is the best approach to promote security industry to higher integrity and competence. In order to promote the professionalization of security industry, this research provides some opinions such as to operate the blue sea strategy on security industry; to market security consciousness and disaster prevention management consciousness; to establish the collaboration among Industry-Government-Academy.
