  • 期刊


Students' Learning in Participating Growth Group as Part of Social Group Work Education



透過經驗性學習為未來從事實務工作作準備,在社會工作學生的養成教育中是很重要的一環。本研究藉由政戰學校社會團體工作教育課程之團體實作訓練內容,探討學生在團體工作實作訓練方案的學習經驗。教學方案包括成長團體體驗、團體經驗討論與心得撰寫三部分,將學生分成四個團體,進行六週的成長團體,每週團體結束後的第二天進行團體討論,並撰寫心得報告。每次進行的方式都是「進入團體」→「團體後討論」→「心得撰寫」,然後再循環「進入下一次團體」→「團體後討論」→「心得撰寫」。為瞭解學生學習的主觀經驗與個人成長,本研究採質化研究的方式進行,蒐集的資料來自於學生每週的學習心得、團體後整體課程的回饋及焦點團體訪談。 透過這樣不斷循環前進的訓練方式,學生以成員的身分參與團體的學習包括兩部分,一方面由成長團體的經驗中,觀察到領導者的功能、成員角色的功能、團體的方案;另一方面,對於自我、他人及人際間的互動有覺察與探索。「團體後討論」有助學生澄清概念,及提昇對理論及團體現象的敏感度;「心得撰寫」則協助學生釐清與消化學習收穫、留下成長軌跡及提昇寫作能力。本研究並針對研究結果,提出團體工作教育的省思與討論。


This qualitative study explored students' learning in an experiential learning program using a social group-work curriculum. The program included three parts: Experiential Growth Group, discussion about the group experience, and processing their experience through journaling. The participants were students who were enrolled in a social group-work course in the social work department of Fu-Hsin Kang College. They were divided into four groups; and each group met two hours a week for six weeks. The instructor led a one-hour after-group discussion with all students the day after the group. Students handed a paper about their learning experience after the discussion. The result indicated that students indicated that they learned about leadership, membership, group activity planning, achieved a better understanding of themselves, others and interpersonal interactions through the group experience. They express that some professional concepts were clarified, that they had improved their sensitivities through the after-group discussion, become more enlightened as to their own experience and the experience of others, and had kept what they had learned in their journals while improving their writing abilities through the journaling process. Here the authors discuss the study's results and made suggestions about social group work education.


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