  • 期刊


Investigation on the Effectiveness of Ba Duan Jin Exercise Intervention in Enhancing Bone Density, Body Composition and Lower Limb Gait Stability of Middle-aged and Elderly in the Community


本研究主要目的在探討12週的八段錦運動介入模式對社區中高齡民眾骨質密度、身體組成及下肢步態穩定性之改善成效。方法採類實驗設計,以37名社區中高齡民眾為研究對象,其中實驗組19名(平均年齡為66.74±8.58歲)施以12週、每週3次、每次60分鐘之八段錦運動;控制組18名(平均年齡為66.50±7.38歲)保持日常作息,且無規律運動之行為,亦不参與其他相關運動介入計畫。觀察運動介入前、後組內與組間之骨質密度檢測、身體組成及步態分析檢測數據之變化,以配對樣本及獨立樣本t檢定分別對實驗組及控制組組內與組間之差異性進行統計分析。結果在八段錦運動介入12週後,在骨質密度部分,實驗組骨質密度的維持明顯優於控制組(p < .05)。在身體組成部分,實驗組體重獲得改善並具顯著差異,且在肌肉量的維持明顯優於控制組(p < .05)。在下肢步態穩定性部分,實驗組步態穩定性及步行速度明顯獲得提升(p < .05),且步態穩定性顯著優於控制組(p < .05)。顯見八段錦運動介入,有助於中高年齡者骨質密度、身體組成之維持及改善下肢步態的穩定度,可藉此降低中高齡民眾出現跌倒或骨折之風險。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the 12-week Ba Duan Jin exercise intervention model in improving the bone density, body composition and lower limb gait stability of middle-aged and elderly people in the community. The quasi-experimental design method was adopted, with 37 middle-aged and elderly people from communities as research participants. Among them, the experimental group consisting of 19 people (average age of 66.74±8.58 years) was administered 60-minute Ba Duan Jin exercises three times a week for 12 weeks; the control group consisting of 18 people (average age of 66.50±7.38 years) maintained their daily routine without regular exercise or involvement in other exercise intervention plans. The bone density, body composition and gait before and after the exercise intervention within and between groups were observed and the test data changes were analyzed. Paired sample and independent sample t-tests were employed to carry out statistical analysis targeting the differences within and between the experimental group and control group. The results after the 12-week Ba Duan Jin exercise intervention show that in terms of bone density, the experimental group's bone density maintenance was significantly superior to that of the control group (p < .05). In terms of body composition, the experimental group achieved weight improvement, reaching significant differences. Additionally, the group's muscle mass maintenance was also significantly superior to that of the control group (p < .05). For the lower limb gait stability part, the experiential group showed significant improvement in gait stability and walking speed (p < .05), with gait stability significantly superior to that of the control group (p < .05). Clearly, the Ba Duan Jin exercise intervention is conducive to the maintenance of bone density and body composition in middle-aged and elderly people and the improvement of lower limb gait stability, which reduce the risk of falls or bone fractures in middle-aged and elderly people.
