  • 期刊


Factors Affecting Diabetics' Willingness Using ePHR: The Diabetes Case Managers' Perspective


台灣民眾糖尿病之標準化死亡率遠高於經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)所有會員國。雖然政府已陸續推動糖尿病相關之衛生政策,然而糖尿病的照護與治療,除了仰賴醫療照護服務提供者的品質之外,更重要的是仰賴糖尿病人自身積極於血糖、飲食與生活習慣的控制。根據國外研究,電子化個人健康紀錄(ePHR)能輔助慢性病人自我進行健康管理。當糖尿病人接觸到不熟悉且與自身健康相關的事物時,往往需要尋求專業醫療照護服務提供者的意見,而糖尿病個案管理師是最了解且接觸糖尿病人最頻繁的醫療照護服務提供者。 本研究以Angst與Agarwal調查影響美國民眾使用 ePHR 意願的研究模型為基礎,透過文獻探討及糖尿病個案管理師的觀點,發掘出可能影響ePHR使用意願的重要因素;並發展出影響糖尿病人使用ePHR意願之因素的研究架構及結構式問卷,以利後續研究者針對糖尿病人更進一步之ePHR使用意願相關研究。


The standardized death rate of diabetes in Taiwan is far higher than that of any other countries in organization for economic co-operation and development (OECD). Though Department of Health in Taiwan continuously implements health policies related to diabetes. The treatment and care of diabetes rely on not only the medical care providers but also diabetics themselves. According to several researches, electronic personal health record (ePHR) can helping chronic patients do health management on their own. When diabetics get in touch with something unfamiliar but related to their own health, they seek help from professional medical service providers. The patients will take the opinions of the most familiar medical service providers as principal to make decision. The scholars Angst and Agawam researched the factors affect people's willingness using ePHR in America and proposed a conceptual model. This study uses the ePHR conceptual model as foundation and consults with diabetes case managers to discover factors which are very likely to affect diabetics' willingness using ePHR. This study also develops a research framework and structural questionnaire of factors affect diabetics' willingness using ePHR for future researchers to do follow-up studies.


