  • 期刊

The Historical Memory in the Narrative Works of Manual Rivas



西班牙於1936至1939年歷經三年浴血內戰後,走入近四十年的佛朗哥將軍(El General Franco)法西斯獨裁政權。直至佛朗哥將軍死後,政治邁向民主自由的時代,然輿情卻鮮少揭示反獨裁及反法西斯主義的理念,令人頗感驚訝。近年來方有較多文學作者著文批判此一殘害人權的黑暗時期,其中當數馬奴耶˙李巴斯(Manuel Rivas)算是箇中翹楚。李巴斯在1995年出版的短篇小說<蝶舌>“La lengua de las mariposas”中,以筆墨深入刻劃內戰前夕駭人的情境與人性面對死亡時的恐懼、無助與怯懦;緊接於1998年出版的小說《木匠之筆》(El lapoz del carpintero)中,闡述內戰對峙的衝突情境,並洞燭與歌頌潛藏其中的善良人性;在2006年出版的《焚書》(Los libros arden mal)中,作著自評為「法西斯主義本質之旅」,則展延前兩部作品之主題,大力著墨獨裁政權邪惡的本質探討。因此,本研究計畫從文學的角度討論歷史和回憶,探討李巴斯如何在其文學創作中,尤其在時間架構和人物上揉合真實歷史與文學虛構,以再現二十世紀受內戰影響及法西斯獨裁政權的西班牙。


Spanish Civil War with sanguinary massacre endured for three years (1936-1939), but its consequence has extended nearly forty years. During this time, Spain suffered the autocracy of the General Franco. Although the autocracy finished and Spain entered into the democracy, but it's very curious that there were a few of writers who have attended to lay open the essence of the fascist regime. Until recently, some writers, such as Maunel Rivas emphasizes the theme of the inhuman of the Civil War and the autocracy. Maunel Rivas in 1995 published his narration ”La lengua de las mariposas” in which he describes the terrific situations of the prewar and the cowardice of the human beings in face of fear. Later in the novel ”El lapis del carpintero”(1998), he presents the real events that occurred during the Civil War in order to accuse this war and exalt the humanity. In 2006, he goes on dealing with these themes in ”Los libros arden mal”, which is considered a trip to the essence of the Fascism, to expose one historical scene of the cultural destruction that was completed by the autocratic regime. According to the above-mentioned statement, this study aims to analyze how, Manuel Rivas uses his three narrations to portray temporal structure and the characters, which make them the historical memory.


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