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Hakka Community Migration to Johor, Malaysia and their Self-identification


客家社群的認同,既有血緣、地緣、語言和文化上的多重認同。而且認同意識的強化,又與在地社群的歷史情境有關,很多時候是實際狀況的需求,以及社群心理上的認同與想像所致。客家學的區域研究,從外部,也需從客家社群內部問題去探察才會更加深入。柔佛州客家人的認同意識相當複雜,既有客家認同,又有祖籍地緣的認同。海外客家族群意識的打造,有三十年代中期胡文虎推動的客屬公會成立運動。但就柔佛客家人社團組織來看,戰後成立的祖籍地緣性客籍會館在數量上竟比「客家公會」來得多,客家社群的分立,仍然明顯。 我們認爲,柔佛客家人的認同危機,主要不是出在外部的挑戰,反而是出現在內部的分立問題上。「團結」不是爲了對抗某個外來的幫群或是異族,恰恰相反,柔佛客家人呼籲要「團結」,經常是指向自身族群內部的分立、矛盾、衝突、認同意識的鬆散而爲的。 「尋根謁祖」活動,是近十餘年來客家人用以努力凝聚、團結彼等社群的有效文化象徵。從寧化石壁「客家祖地」和「客家母親河」的打造,柔佛客家社團領袖扮演了開先鋒和積極的要角。學界探知這個「客家祖地」縱有值得爭議之處,帶有一定程度上「想像」的象徵意義而已,但做爲凝聚客家社群,擴大世界客家人的聯繫網絡,以及對柔佛在地客家人社群領導層的內部重組上,具有很大的現實意義和影響力。


馬來西亞 柔佛 客家 認同


The self-identification of the Hakka community is affected by many factors, including clans, places of origin, dialects and cultural practices. The strengthening of the Hakka community awareness is related to the historical context of a specific community. Very often such awareness is raised because of practical needs or it is formed by people's attachment to the community and their imagination. When we carry out a regional Hakka studies programme, we have to observe the community objectively and understand its internal problems in order to gain a deeper understanding of it. The development of the self-identification of Hakka community in Johor is complex as they are divided by clans and places of origin. One of the activities to form the overseas Hakka people's ethnic awareness was the campaign to establish Hakka associations initiated by Hu Wenhu in mid-1930. Nevertheless, the total number of Hakka societies based on places of origin which were founded since the post-war period is greater than the number of ”Hakka associations”. Obviously, the Hakka community is disunited. In our opinion, the crisis of self-identification of the Hakka community in Johor arose not because of external challenges but its internal disunity. The call for ”unity” is not because of the need to resist other ethnic groups or races. Instead, the Hakka in Johor promote the spirit of unity to tackle their internal disunity, conflict, disagreement and weak community awareness. In recent years, many activities with the aim to trace the roots of the Hakka have been carried out and effectively enhanced the unity and cohesion of the community. Such activities, including the discovery of Ninghua Shibi, which is identified as the ”Hakka Native Land”, and the creation of ”Hakka Mother River,” are mainly pioneered and supported by leaders of Hakka societies in Johor. Although some scholars cast doubts on the ”Hakka Native Land” and regard it as an ”imaginative homeland for the Hakka” with a given symbolic meaning, it is important and influential to the integration of the Hakka community, the expansion of the communication network of the Hakka around the world, and the realignment of the leading bodies of Hakka community in Johor.


Malaysia Johor Hakka identification


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