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Study on the Internal and External Dilemmas of the Development of the Malayan Communist Party During the Cold War Situation (1948-1989)




The Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) was founded in 1930. Since its establishment, CPM engaged in anti-British and anti-colonial activities and was classified as an illegal organisation by the British colonists. During the Second World War, CPM assisted the Allies powers resist Japanese invasion of Malaya and gained its official status as legal political party after the war. In 1948, once again the CPM was announced as an illegal organisation for their armed uprisings. At the same time, the British colonial government has declared Malaya into "State of Emergency." Under the military's encirclement, the CPM gradually set up their base at the border of Malaya-Thailand in Southern Thailand and continuing their guerrilla warfare with the British army and later the Malaysian army. After Second World War, the world began to enter the period of the Cold War. As one of the international communist movement, CPM's fate of ups and downs is inextricably linked to the changes of the Cold War situation. Several major decisions made by CPM were obviously affected by the Cold War situation at that period. Through the framework of the Cold War situation, this paper tries to examine the the development of the CPM and its relationship with the Cold War. Besides the close ties with the Communist party of China (CPC) after the Second World War, this paper argues that the CPM did not have indepth involvement in the Cold War game, but the changes of the Cold War situation has played an important role and has a profound impact on the development of the CPM.


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