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水稻是世界上最重要的糧食作物之一,提供人類23%的熱量來源,在臺灣是耕作面積最廣的農作物,佔全國農地的51.29%;由於水稻與小麥、大麥、玉米等重要糧食作物之基因種類、數目和排列有密切關係,且水稻基因組中重覆性序列少,因此水稻成為目前研究基因組學上的模式植物。繼阿拉伯芥之後,水稻之389百萬鹼基對已完全被定序、解序及進行基因註解。這些豐富水稻基因組資料為水稻功能性基因組研究鋪路,更能以形態和分子標幟連鎖分析為基礎之「順向遺傳」作為探討水稻基因功能之重要手法。基此,本研究中共使用了118個分子標幟(113 SSR、4 STS和1 indel),分子標幟以平均12.9cM的間距分佈在12條染色體上,以81個水稻品種(36稉稻品種和45秈稻品種)為材料,分別調查各品種在分子標幟上之多型性,再計算出品種間之相似度係數。由於這些資料不但有助於釐清國內外常用水稻品種之親源關係,提供育種者作為選用雜交親本血緣疏遠的依據,其在連鎖圖譜之粗定位分析研究時,更可根據分析結果、標幟多型性及相似度等,設計適當的研究組合及可應用的分子標幟,大幅提供基因定位的效率,也減少不必要的資源浪費。故而彙整相關資料並架設「遺傳標幟」網站,供相關研究學者參考使用;除此之外,蒐集水稻研究之相關資源,如染色體替換品系、第五條染色體定序、插入突變族群及臺農67號BAC基因庫,架設了「臺灣水稻基因組研究資源」網站(http://rice.sinica.edu.tw)。本文主要目的即詳細介紹此網站的資源及使用方法,希冀藉此網頁資訊的流通能,一方面促進臺灣的水稻基因組相關研究,也提供未來分子輔助選拔時之水稻育種的參考依據。

Parallel abstracts

Rice is a leading crop as well as a model plant in research. Rice provides 23% calories consumed by human; in addition, rice plantation is 51.29% of the total arable lands in Taiwan. Rice genome of 389 Mb, beside Arabidopsis genome, has been completed sequenced, decoded, and annotated, which provides enriched resource paving a way for rice functional genomic research. In order to employ forward genetics which is primarily based on linkage analysis of morphology and markers for functional study, a total of 113 SSR, 4 STS, and 1 indel markers, with an average interval of 12.9cM distributed on 12 chromosomes, were surveyed polymorphism against 81 rice varieties, including 36 japonica and 45 indica varieties. The similarity coefficients calculated by the ratio of polymorphic markers between varieties provide a reference to phylogenetic study and cross designs, and the information of polymorphic markers served as anchor markers for coarse mapping. We constructed a website ‘The Resource of Rice Genetic Markers in Taiwan’ containing the 118 marker information for 81 varieties and the similarity coefficients for public access. In addition, we also recruited the information of chromosome segment substitution lines, genome sequencing of chromosome 5, insertion mutant libraries, and BAC libraries of Tainung 67 to construct a website 'Resources for Taiwan Rice Genomics Research' with the URL address http://rice.sinica.edu.tw. This enriched database of website can provide useful resource for facilitating rice genome research and marker assisted selection in breeding program work in Taiwan.

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