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Using Eye-Tracking Experiment to Explore European, Japanese and Taiwanese Students' Processing of Phonological and Orthographic Cues in Chinese Disyllabic Morphemes



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This study used an eye-tracking experiment to explore whether first-language background and Chinese proficiency would influence European and Japanese students' online processing of the phonology and orthography of Chinese disyllabic morphemes when reading simple Chinese sentences. These students' reading behaviors were compared with Taiwanese native Mandarin speakers' reading behaviors. An error-disruption paradigm was employed for manipulating the target words in the experiment. The eye-movement data on the target word embedded in each sentence were analyzed by linear mixed models. The result indicated that European students relied both on phonology and orthography for error recovery, but they could only do so in the late stage of word processing. By contrast, Japanese students relied on orthography for error recovery. Students with lower Chinese reading proficiency had longer re-reading time than their counterparts, but how foreign students' Chinese reading proficiency exactly affect their reliance on phonology or orthography during word processing remains unclear and need to be further examined in the future studies.


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