  • 期刊


Behind the Closed Door of Chinese Teaching on YouTube: A Study on Theorizing OER Practice and Constructing Teacher Identities


YouTube是全球觀眾日常學習的工具,此「小型開放式教育資源」(Little OER, Weller 2010)不同於一般課室或遠距教學,華語老師如何自處並面對挑戰?本研究採敘事研究方法,聚焦於資深華語教師省思YouTube華語教學團隊日常運作三年之親身經驗敘事。以解構、詮釋、重構為分析方法,並以庫瑪的三維語言教學系統(Kumaravadivelu 2003)為架構,結合Wenger(1998)的實務社群概念,萃取出教師如何在華語教學與YouTube兩實務社群間磨合,將YouTube教學實務理論化。結果提出三項主張,包含不同實務社群經驗的串連與糾結、教學設計核心、突破有限「教師」視角的條件。文後討論此另類的教學經驗對實務、研究的啟示,包括華語師資教育面對新媒體的建議。


Teaching Chinese through YouTube videos, or the so-called Little Open Educational Resources (Weller 2010), is not like teaching in conventional classrooms. How did an experienced teacher meet the challenge in such a digital Chinese teaching context? This study adopted narrative inquiry methods to capture a teacher's three-year experience working side-by-side with Chinese teaching YouTubers. Drawing on Wenger (1998) and Kumaravadivelu (2003), the study deconstructed, interpreted, and reconstructed the narrative data in order to derive assertions as to how the teacher negotiated a satisfying identity and constructed personal theory from practice. Three assertions are proposed, including the complicated connection between two communities (Chinese teaching and YouTube), the core instructional practice, and ways to expand the teacher self in this context. Implications and suggestions for research and practice are discussed, including how Chinese teacher education could meet the challenge of alternative practice in digital contexts.


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Barkhuizen, Gary. (ed.) 2014. Narrative Research in Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Barkhuizen, Gary. 2017. Reflections on Language Teacher Identity Research. New York: Routledge.
Barkhuizen, Gary, Phil Benson, and Alice Chik. 2014. Narrative Inquiry in Language Teaching and Learning Research. New York: Routledge.
Camilleri, Anthony F., Ulf Daniel Ehlers, and Jan Pawlowski. 2014. State of the Art Review of Quality Issues related to Open Educational Resources (OER). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Accessed online, February 19, 2020. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/475a/50bbc6bb0b0e580aa1470ff88d972b60983d.pdf
