  • 期刊


A Study in Children's Recognition of Parents' Roles through On-line Petting Games


線上寵物遊戲可使兒童有機會扮演父母角色,本研究藉由兒童進行線上寵物遊戲,分析兒童「身歷其境」後對其父母角色認同是否產生影響。研究對象是嘉義市垂楊國民小學六年級學生,以實施飼養線上寵物遊戲活動之有無分為實驗組102人與對照組105人。實驗組進行飼養線上寵物實驗處理,對照組則無。在研究進行前後實施父母角色認同量表,再進行單因子共變數分析,並於實驗處理結束後四週對二組兒童做追蹤測驗,最後輔以兒童於線上討論區留言之記錄作質性分析。 本研究結果得知玩「線上寵物遊戲」的兒童對其「父母照顧角色」及「父母管教角色」認同有顯著影響,而對於「父母養育角色」認同上並沒有顯著影響。整理兒童對父母角色之期待,在照顧角色上,包括提供生理、社會資源、情緒、心理等需求;在基本行爲、學業、交友等方面扮演適度的管教角色;養育方面兒童期待父母是積極鼓勵及陪伴的角色。最後依據研究結論,研究者提供具體意見,以作為親子間、家庭教育工作實施親職教育或提升父母效能訓練時參考之具體建議。


On-line petting games can provide opportunities for children to play parental roles. The purpose of this study was to realize whether or not such parenting experiences would have any influences on children's recognition of parental roles. Subjects were recruited from the Sixth Grade at Chui-Yang Elementary School in Chiayi city. Six classes were assigned into two groups. The treatment group (N=102) was provided opportunities to play the on-line petting game designed by the researcher, while the control group (N=105) received the regular instruction. Parental Role Scale was conducted before and after treatment, and traced again after four weeks. An open forum was also created for on-line discussions. Results showed statistically significant differences for the influence of on-line petting game on children's recognition about parental roles as caregivers and discipliners, but did not on the roles of raisers. Based on the findings and results, the researcher provided suggestions and recommendations for parent-child relationship, parental roles, and parenting skills.


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