  • 期刊


A Study of Tourist Satisfaction and Residences Local Identification of Penghu Che-an Community Recreational Fishery Park


澎湖菜園社區原為日趨沒落的傳統漁村,目前正在轉型成為休閒漁業園區。本研究探討遊客體驗休閒漁業後的滿意度、當地居民的認同感,與休閒漁業活動的成效。本研究採用實質環境認同、經濟認同、社會認同、文化認同與歸屬感等向度,作為居民認同與感遊客滿意度的評量標準。 本研究採問卷調查法及專家諮詢會議法,問卷調查分為二部份,第一部份為遊客及居民基本資料,包含五項人口統計變數,依序為性別、年齡、職業、教育程度及月收入。第二部為遊客及居民對菜園農漁休閒園區之感受度。包含(1).實質環境,(2).經濟向度,(3).社會向度,(4).文化向度,(5).歸屬感等五部份發展成三十指標。專家會議法之立義抽樣對象共十五位,分別為澎湖科技大學觀光休閒系三位老師、通識及社會學兩位老師、澎湖縣政府文化局兩位課長、觀光局兩位主管、體驗活動業界代表兩人、媒體代表兩人及居民代表兩人。由原來五項共三十個指標校正後將(2)經濟向度與(3).社會向度結合成一項共四項,確立成二十六指標定稿,決定了問卷的內容效度。抽取遊客與居民各25人共50人進行預試;總量表α值=0.79。向度(1).實質環境向度α值=0.87,(2).經濟.社會向度α值=0.78,(4).文化向度α值=0.82,(5).歸屬感向度α值=0.71。問卷調查之日期為二OO六年七月至九月。以便利抽樣共發放問卷500份,遊客250份,居民250份,共計回收有效問卷共計478份。問卷調查發現居民以中學教育程度的中年漁民居多,經濟收入不高。遊客以學生居多約占五成一,教育程度以大學居多約占四成九。居民對整體園區安全措施,及整體園區的設備,與清潔項目的認同感高於遊客滿意度甚多。遊客滿意度及居民認同感感受較佳的項目是菜園農漁休閒園區潛力無限的發展優勢。收費價格太高會抑制遊客的遊性及重遊意願。研究發現在大多數問項指標上,遊客滿意度與居民認同感有正向相關。本研究提出幾點建議:未來可與鄰近生態園區連結,並結合文化節慶活動,運用多媒體加強宣傳,推廣文化保存化,提供工作機會,改善園區硬體設施,培訓領隊或導覽志工人員以確保服務品質。整體園區規劃仍需加強,降低收費,並發展具傳統文化特色的服務,以增加其園區服務價值,提高遊客的滿意度,並增強居民的認同,方能永續營運。


The Che-an community of Penghu was a traditional fishing village, now it is in the transition to be a Recreational Fishery Park. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between residents' local identification and tourist satisfaction, as well as the effectiveness of recreational fishing activities. This Study used questionnaire surveys and Expert Consulting Conference. First, 15 members from Penghu University, County Government, the tourist industry, media, and residents were consulted to establish the indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the project and the weight of index for integrated assessment. Second, 500 questionnaires are distributed; 250 copies to visitors and 250 to community residents. A total of 478 valid questionnaires were collected. The Survey shows: Most residents are middle-aged low-income fishermen with lower educational background. About 51 percent of visitors are students and 40 percent of them have a college degree. As for the overall park safety, equipment, facilities and park cleanliness, the residents have higher satisfactions than the visitors. Most of the residents and the tourists agree that the potential for the development of recreational fishery is unlimited. Increasing the admission cost will reduce the willingness of tourists to travel and re-visit the park. Also it shows, there is a positive relationship between residences' local identification and tourists' satisfaction. This study proposed some suggestions: In order to increase the reward of the Che-An Recreational Fishery Park and improve satisfaction, the park could associate with the neighborhood ecological park in the future. Furthermore, it can use multimedia to enhance publicity and combine with cultural festivals to promote cultural preservation. It can improve hardware facilities and staff training to ensure service quality. This will create more job opportunity and a sustainable operation as well.


