  • 期刊


A Study on the Interactive Distance Experiment of Electrical Machinery



本研究之主要目的在提供互動式遠距電動機實驗(Interactive Distance Experiment of Electrical Machinery, IDEEM)教學之服務,期望透過網際網路之便利性,使學習不受時;空之限制,達成遠距教學與遠距實驗之目的。因此,本研究架設一互動式遠距電動機實驗教學系統之Web server,提供電動機教學示範課程;電動機模擬實驗以及電動機實際實驗等服務,讓學習者利用Web browser 透過網際網路連線至本系統,進行互動式遠距電動機實驗教學。本研究結合GPIB;CGI及Java等各種軟;硬體技術,開創一電動機遠距實驗之環境,讓學習者在完成電動機之理論學習後,可藉由本系統完善的互動式架構,依據理論實際地進行電動機之實際實驗,並取得數據進行分析與討論。在電動機模擬實驗之部分,本研究建立了電動機特性資料庫,當學習者進行模擬實驗時,教學系統從資料庫中攫取電動機之特性,再進行軟體模擬,便可提供學習者進行模擬實驗,本教學系統之模擬實驗極具擴充彈性,藉由擴充建立不同種類電動機之特性資料庫,即可提供多種電動機實驗之模擬。在電動機實際實驗部分,本系統透過GPIB介面連接資料搜尋器及各項量測裝置,建構了電動機遠距實驗平台,並且將實驗平台連接至教學系統之Web server。因此,學習者有如親自操作電動機實驗平台般,透過網際網路來進行電動機之實際實驗。本研究所建立遠距教學與實驗之環境,開創了電動機教學的新方向,提升電動機遠距教學之品質。


In our study, the major purpose is providing interactive distance learning and experiment for electrical machinery. By the flexibility and convenience of Internet, learners can achieve the goal of the distance learning and experiment without the spatio-temporal limitation. Thus the researchers built a web server to provide the learning curriculum, simulation and experiment services of electrical machinery. So, learners can connect to server by using web browser and begin the interactive distance learning and experiment of electrical machinery. The researchers successfully embedded the technologies of software and hardware (CGI, JAVA, Instruments, GPIB etc.) in the environments. Besides the theorems after learners had learned the theorems of electrical machinery, learners can make experiments and get the real data of electrical machinery for analysis and discussions through service system’s interactive framework. WE also made an extensible and flexible simulation environment with a database of the characteristics of electrical machines. When learners make simulations, the server system gets the characteristics of electrical machines and simulates by software. By adding the database, learners can simulate the experiment of different machinery. At experiment, the testbed of electrical machinery connect data acquisition and other instruments by GPIB interface. Then, learners can make experiments on it as situation. The environment we created of distance learning and experiment which could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of distance learning.
