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The Analysis of Hyperlink-Application to Control Instructional Flow-Using Petri-Nets

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超連結(Hyperlink)方式是全球資訊網WWW使用者瀏覽網頁資料的重要方式之一,本文主要探討應用超連結方式作為教學流向控制的可行性,運用Petri-Nets可對動態式行為描述的特性作為分析與塑模的工其,並以結合超連結功能的教學簡報式畫面導向作為實施範例。由於教學簡報畫面資料(frame-based material)可作為網頁化(Web-based)的教材之一,本文發現只要事先予以通當分析與規劃,超連結方式將是未來網頁化互動性教材流向控制簡捷的好方法之一。

Parallel abstracts

In order to increase and control interactive for the system of hyperlink-application, this research tries to apply Petri-Nets to analyze and control the instructional flow on Web-based platform. Petri-Nets is both a mathematical and a graphical modelized system analysis and development tool. It is well suited for the analysis and control of the system having the dynamic data flow properties. Applies Petri-Nets to the flow control of the instructional presentation is a deep revelation for the hyperlink being one kind of useful method to provide the interactive-instructional on the Internet/Intranet.

Parallel keywords

Hypertext Hyperlink Hypermedia Teaching-interactive Petri-nets

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