  • 期刊


The Study on the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy of Teachers of Technical and Vocational Education in Both the aims of science and technology of R. O. C and Australian



本研究目的為探討中、澳科技大學技職教師之教師效能威現況,並分析中、澳科技大學技職教師在不同背景變項下之教師效能威差異情形。首先透過文獻探討,蒐集國內外有關的文獻,以瞭解澳澳大利亞之教育制度、科技大學之特色、效能成理論、技職教師效能威的內涵以及我國教師效能感相關研究等。研究工具是以徐昊杲(19%)自編的「我國專科學校技職教師效能感量表」為依據,再經由中澳雙方提供修正量表之內涵資料後,編製成正式中英文問卷。問卷內容包括二部分:個人背景因素(含性別、年齡、婚姻、最高學歷、服務年資、職稱、任教類別、學校隸屬、企業服務、學校所在地及任教學制)、教師效能成(一般教學效能成、個人教學效能威及個人專業效能成)。 本研究採隨機叢集取樣方式,利用電子郵件我國共成功寄發436份電子郵件,於共回收185份問卷,以問卷數計算回收率為42.4%;而澳大利亞共寄發成功235份電子郵件,共回收112份問卷,以問卷數計算回收率為47.65%;資料透過次數平均數、標準差、單一樣本t考驗及單因數多變量變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。 本研究獲致之結論為:中、澳兩國科技大學技職教師之教師效能成表現相彷:而中、澳科技大學技職教師背景變項中的「曾於企業服務經驗」,皆對教師效能成表現有不同程度之影響。


The aims of this study are to discuss the current states of the teachers’ sense of efficacy of teachers of technical and vocational education in both universities of science and technology of R. O. C and Australian, and analyze the variations by the teachers background. Firstly, through literature discussion and collect relevant domestic and overseas literature to understand Australian education system, features of universities of technology, sense of efficacy theory, connotation of technical and vocational teachers' sense of efficacy and relevant studies of teachers' sense of efficacy in Taiwan. The major reference for study tool is How-gao, Hsu (1996) self compiled ”colleges/universities of technology and junior colleges Teacher Efficacy Scale in Taiwan”, and compile to formal questionnaire after the propose of connotation data of revised scale by both countries. There are two parts in the questionnaire: personnel background factor (including gender, age, marriage, highest education background, seniority, title, teaching category, school classification, business service, school location and the teaching educational system) teachers' sense of efficacy (general teaching efficacy, personal teaching efficacy and personal professional efficacy). By using cluster sampling and successfully sending out 436 questionnaires by email in taiwan; there are 185 valid responded questionnaires and the responded rates are 42.4%; and successfully sending out 235 questionnaires in Australian; there are 112 valid responded questionnaires and the responded rates are 47.65%, and then analyzed the data through average, standard deviation, one sample t-test and one-way MANOVA. Conclusions obtained from this study are: the states of the teachers' sense of efficacy of teachers of technical and vocational education in both universities of science and technology of R. O. C and Australian are mate; and both of the background variables of the teachers of technical and vocational education in both universities of science and technology of R. O. C and Australian, such as ”business service experiences”, have affected teachers' sense to various degrees.


林貞君(2012)。教師效能感與學生公民知識的相關:ICCS 2009資料庫的應用〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315265680
