  • 期刊

Modern Confucianism and the Intercultural Exchange between China and Central-Eastern Europe



The topical processes of modern identity-making within Central and EasternEurope on the one hand, and China, on the other, are fundamentally results ofdifferent forms of cultural and economic transformation, conflict and harmonioussocial adjustments. The aim of the present paper is to expose the need toappreciate the role of culture not only as a background to, but also as aconstitutive part of, economic dynamics. Thus, it assumes that any comparativeanalysis of the rise of transitional societies must deal with questions connected torespective value systems, i.e. of moral education, political authority, socialsolidarity, and religious beliefs.It is not coincidental that the recent rapid development of the P.R. Chinaowes much to such crucial traditional virtues as social hierarchy, self-discipline,social harmony, strong families and a respect for education. In this context, thepresent article examines the revival of Confucian tradition in China. According toprevious research results, traditional East European values were in many aspectscloser to such virtues than traditional Western values, which focused heavily onthe idea of individual autonomy. This paper follows the presumption that theCentral and Eastern Europe could function as a cultural and axiological bridgebetween China and Western Europe.




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