

本文從安寧緩和醫療團隊中臨床佛教宗教師角度來定義「生命回顧」。以佛法的觀點認為每個人來到世間都有他的一生使命,“生命回顧”即引導癌症病人臨終前回顧過去的一生,檢討過去的遺憾,並在有限的存活期內積極完成,最後的目的要讓病人獲得生死的智慧。 對臨終病人而言,生命回顧只是手段,目的在使命的完成。生命回顧有三個重要的條件:一、一生使命的檢討,二、內在力量的提升,三、學習超越生死障礙的能力。臨終病人在不能接受死亡、因應困難的情況下,無法靠自己的力量檢討並完成一生使命,需由有修行經驗的臨床宗教師引導,開示說法而得解脫。本文提出宗教師如何藉由生命回顧來肯定生命的意義和價值,完成心願並走向無形的心性成長,並引用《達摩四行觀》做為學習生死智慧的說法範例。由臨床佛教宗教師施作生命回顧,是癌末病人接受死亡提升至感應靈性存在的過程,亦是本土化靈性照顧中重要的一環。


The definition of ”life review” is from the perspective of the clinical Buddhist chaplain as part of the hospice-palliative care team. From the Buddhist viewpoint, everyone is born in this world with a life's mission; thus ”life review” actively guides terminal cancer patients in reflecting their life and assess any regrets during the limited time they have left. The final goal is to enable patients to gain wisdom about life and death. For terminally ill patients, life review is a means. For them, the end is to accomplish their mission. There are three important conditions for life review: 1. assessing life's mission, 2. promoting of inner strength, and 3. learning the ability to transcend problems of life and death. Since terminally ill patients cannot accept death and deal with ensuing difficulties, they are not able to assess and complete their life's mission by themselves. Therefore they need the guidance of clinical Buddhist chaplains who are experienced in Dharma practice. They need to hear the Dharma and obtain liberation. This paper points out how clinical Buddhist chaplains can use life review to affirm the meaning and value of life, attain their aspirations, and move towards spiritual growth by using 《達摩四行觀》 as an example of a Dharma talk on learning the wisdom of life and death. The life review practice conducted by the clinical Buddhist chaplain is a process in promoting the terminal cancer patient's acceptance of death to a spiritual level, and an important part of indigenous spiritual care.



