  • 期刊


Teaching <||>Dare Love Not Hate<||> Life Education Curriculum: Coping With the Death of Loving Relationship


「敢愛敢不恨」主要是針對青少年人際關係的衝突與傷害所設計的生命教育課程。研究者任教於某國立技術學院,針對護理系一年級學生四個班級,及非護理學生一個班級,共254位學生,在「普通心理學」課程當中,融入「敢愛敢不恨」課程的相關議題,教導學生如何面對愛情死亡,學習選擇寬恕、選擇幸福的人生。 研究者針對學生的學習心得及感想,針對所呈現質性資料採用內容分析法,發現學生學習到「體會親友的關懷」、「發現信仰支持的力量」、「選擇寬恕及放下」、「正面思考面對人生」及「應用在不同的人際關係中」。最後本文建議大專院校可參考「敢愛敢不恨」的課程的內涵,設計相關生命教育課程,教導學生面對「愛情死亡」所引發的失落與悲傷。


生命教育課程 寬恕


<||>Dare Love Not Hate<||> refers to the life education course which is mainly designed for young people to deal with their relationships when encountering conflicts and traumas. The researcher is teaching in a college in Taiwan. He integrated <||>Dare Love Not Hate<||> into the curriculum of <||>Introduction to Psychology<||> for 254 students, including 4 classes of the freshman year from the School of Nursing and 1 class from another department, to teach students how to face the death of loving relationship, learn to forgive, and choose happiness. The research was based on qualitative data from the students' learning reflections. The findings, by means of content analysis, revealed the issues of <||>appreciating the concern of family and friends<||>, <||>discovering the support from faith<||>, <||>choosing forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones<||>, <||>facing life by positive thinking<||>, and <||>applying in various parts of relationships<||>. Finally, the paper would suggest that <||>Dare Love Not Hate<||> could serve as the reference for designing the curriculum of life education to teach college students to deal with the loss and sadness caused by the death of loving relationship.