  • 期刊


Experience to Withdraw Ventilatory Support in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-A Case Report




The purpose of this article is to present a nursing care experience to withdraw ventilatory support from a illness patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The direct nursing care was provided by the author to this 32 year old male patient for two months period during the year 2007 at the hospice ward. The data was collected through the interview method and counseling skills. The discharge nursing care plan was applied to this patient since his first admitted. The holistic nursing care approach was practiced and did fulfill patient's needs. Base on the ethical principle of autonomy and patient's last will patient's ventilator was removed at end of February, 2007. Furthermore, he was discharged during the middle of the March at the same year due to the stable condition. Continuing home hospice care was introduced to this patient and family caregivers. The findings of this case study show that hospice care was fulfilling patient and family caregivers' need in time. Moreover, the ideal of hospice care approach was also well applied and practiced during the care of this patient.
