  • 期刊


Research on the Grief Counseling Effect of Cian-Wáng-Ge-Jhèn (aka Kan-Mong-Gua-Din)


本論文的研究目的有三:1.探討「牽亡歌陣」是否具有悲傷輔導的效果;2.探討「牽亡歌陣」運用在喪家悲傷輔導層面上的可行性;3.澄清社會大眾對「牽亡歌陣」的誤解。 本論文採取的研究方法為文獻研究及質性取向的田野研究法,並以台南地區的「牽亡歌陣」從業團體及邀請「牽亡歌陣」的喪家成員為田野研究的對象,而且不做「牽亡歌陣」儀式流程和意涵的比較分析與正確性的探討。 若以文獻、從業人員、喪家、研究者、「牽亡歌陣」儀式內容的五種不同角度,用J. William Worden的「哀悼任務論」為依據來檢視「牽亡歌陣」,就哀悼的四項任務而言,「牽亡歌陣」至少能協助喪家履行第一項任務「接受失落的事實」和第二項任務「經驗悲傷的痛苦」;就悲傷輔導的四個目標而言,「牽亡歌陣」至少可以達到第一個目標「增加失落的現實感」、第二個目標「協助當事人處理已表達的或潛在的情感」以及第四個目標「鼓勵當事人向逝者告別」;就悲傷輔導的使用原則而言,至少可以看見「牽亡歌陣」在喪家身上運用了原則一「協助生者體認失落」、原則二「幫助生者界定並表達情感」、原則五「允許時間去悲傷」以及原則六「闡明『正常的』悲傷行為」。因此,以Worden的理論來檢視之,可以確知「牽亡歌陣」對於部分亡者家屬的確具有悲傷輔導的功能。所以,「牽亡歌陣」是可以運用在喪家悲傷輔導的層面上,如果從業人士能做到「主動為喪家做解說」,則其悲傷輔導效果應能得到更大、更有效的發揮。


There are three purposes of the research in this essay: 1. To research if Cian-Wáng-Ge-Jhèn (CWGJ) has the effect of grief counseling. 2. To confer the possibilities of applying CWGJ to comfort the mourning family members on grief counseling. 3. To clarify the misunderstanding of the public on Cian-Wáng-Ge-Jhèn (CWGJ). The research method adapted in this essay is study the documents, and apply content-oriented field study targeted on the CWGJ business companies in Tainan area and the mourning family members. The ceremony procedure, the comparing analysis on meaning of CWGJ and the discussion of correction are not included. If we look at the issue from 5 angles of documents, business executives, mourning family members, researchers, and the CWGJ ceremony content, and check it with the four missions in the theory of Mission in Grief by J. William Worden, CWGJ could help the mourning family members with the first mission, accepting the fact of losing the beloved and the second mission, experience the pain of grief. In terms of 4 goals of grief counseling, CWGJ could reach the first goal, build up the sense of reality of losing and the second goal, help the targeted person to express his/her deal with the revealed or hidden feeling as well the fourth goal, encourage the targeted person to farewell to the death properly. On the other hand, applying the principles of grief counseling, we can see that CWGJ helps the mourning family member with the first principle, get the living family to recognize their loss; with the second principle, get the living family identify and express their emotion; with the fifth principle, allow having time to grief; with the sixth principle, definite the proper ”normal” grieving behaviors. Therefore, we confirm the function of grief counseling of CWGJ to the mourning family members. As a result, if the business executives could ”explain to the mourning family members actively,” the effect of grief counseling could be better and more effective.


