  • 期刊


The Use of Dual Texts in Ahmet Ümit's Novels: "Patasana" and "A Momento for Istanbul"


阿赫梅特.烏米特(Ahmet Ümit, 1960- )是土耳其當代最知名的偵探小說作家之一。他迄今出版的二十多部作品不僅在土耳其倍受讀者歡迎,許多也被翻譯成英文、德文、希臘文、西班牙文、保加利亞文、韓文等多國語言暢銷於世界各地;而在中文世界目前僅有《隱沒與謊言》(簡體中文版)與《伊斯坦堡死亡紀事》(繁體中文版)兩部小說出版。這兩部小說無論是在章節結構上,還是就故事情節或語言風格而言,都是由兩份看似獨立、實而相互關聯的文本組成。本文將以此為出發點,探討《隱沒與謊言》與《伊斯坦堡死亡紀事》兩部小說中雙重文本的運用方式與功能,期能進一步了解阿赫梅特.烏米特的寫作特色。


Ahmet Ümit is one of the most well-known detective novelists in contemporary Turkish literature. He has written more than 20 books which all have become popular publications in Turkey. Most of his works have been translated in different languages, such as English, German, Greek, Spanish, Bulgarian, and Korean. However, only two of his novels-"Patasana" (in simplified Chinese) and "A Momento for Istanbul" (in traditional Chinese)-have been translated into Chinese so far. Each of these two novels contains dual texts which seem to be mutually independent, but are actually correlated in terms of their chapter structures, storylines, and language styles. This article will explore the relationships and discuss the uses and meanings of the dual texts in the two novels, which will further our understanding about the features of Ahmet Ümit's writing style.


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