  • 期刊


Compare the Holism of BuddhistEnvironmental Ethics with the West-Take Deep Ecology as an Example




Some ethicists contend that human have moral responsibility to non-human beings. While some position may be adequate as a criterion for a moral status, holism emphasizing by the interplay among environment, human and non-humans. Could be the later make their case? What are the contents of environmental holism? This article studies what are the differences between Buddhism and Deep ecology as environmental holism. First, I would introduce three kinds of holism. Secondly, the views of Buddhism and deep ecology on environmental holism would be briefly introduced. It can be said that ”Ecological Self” is the character of Deep ecology, while Buddhism achieve its target through ”non-attachment”. Last, four important concepts, namely, thinking method, human nature, nature, and change as the theme. In contrasting with deep ecology, we find a possible distinctive interpretation of environmental holism of Buddhism.


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