  • 期刊

IEET認證規範AC 2004所訂核心能力對電機工程系畢業生就業重要性之研究


近十年來,國內大學院校數量急遽擴增,對於高等教育品質的管制與維護也日益受到重視。因此,藉由國際認證及大學系所評鑑制度的推廣與落實,以強化並提升學校的競爭優勢,乃是當前重要的課題。本研究旨在探討我國高等教育體系所培養的一般大學電機工程系畢業系友對AC 2004認證規範所訂的核心能力在就業重要性之看法,並分析不同個人背景在就業重要性知覺的差異情形。本研究以電子郵件方式傳送,共發出922份,計回收300份,回收率為32.5%。研究發現,顯然畢業系友普遍認同AC 2004認證規範所訂核心能力對於就業之重要性,但同時也認為AC 2004認證規範所訂核心能力並不足以完全滿足職場之所需。諸如管理與領導能力、外語能力、工作態度、情緒管理能力、創新能力、時間管理能力等其他能力也都是滿足就業市場需求及職涯發展所需要的能力。因此建議認證機構中華工程教育學會(IEET)針對認證規範進行定期檢討與修訂,使認證規範與時俱進更臻完備。


AC 2004 核心能力 IEET


The number of universities in Taiwan has grown rapidly for the last decade, and much attention has been paid to the quality control and assurance in higher education. In consequence, the implementation of international accreditation and evaluation systems in order to enhance and promote the competitiveness of universities has become an important issue. The purpose of this research is to study the perception of importance for occupation on the core competencies specified in IEET AC2004 accreditation criteria from the viewpoint of an ordinary university alumni majoring in electrical engineering and to analyze the discrepancy in perception caused by their personal backgrounds. This study was carried out with questionnaire method. Research tools were developed through literature survey, and online surveys were conducted with a tailor-made ”Questionnaire for Alumni of Electrical Engineering Department of Dayeh University”. In this research, questionnaires were sent by electronic mail, 922 mails in total were sent, and 300 valid responses were retrieved, the return rate was 32.5%. Based on our findings, the core competencies specified in AC 2004 are considered as important by alumni in general, but they are not considered as a complete set of competencies. Other competencies, such as leadership and management, foreign language, working altitude, emotional management, innovation, time management, are also compulsory in order to satisfy the requirement of job market and career development. It is therefore recommended that Institute for Engineering Education, Taiwan (IEET) review and revise the accreditation criteria on a regular basis in order to improve it with time.


