  • 期刊


A Study on the Properties of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Admixtures Green Building-Material


本研究之綠建材以目前台灣較多量的再生礦粉掺料(含飛灰、爐石、玻璃粉、脫硫渣)爲主,分別取代水泥10%與30%添加於輕質骨材混凝土內,經過不同養護齡期進行硬固、非破壞與耐久性質試驗;經分析各種礦粉掺料對輕質骨材混凝土之效益。 結果顯示:添加綠建材因種類不同坍度有所增減,仍符合設計坍度75mm~100mm。抗壓強度以添加玻璃粉10%最高。超音波波速受綠建材取代量及性質影響,120天波速範圍爲控制組約98%~105%,電阻值受化學性質影響最大,添加飛灰及玻璃粉30%之電阻值高於控制組。顯示將各種綠建材應用與輕質骨材混凝土中,不但能有效利用廢棄資源,更能落實環保議題的提倡。


In this study, Green Building Materials such as fly ash, slag, glass powder, desulfurization slag are mainly used, and replaced the cement with 10% and 30%respectively to add in the light aggregate concrete. After harden test, non-destructive test and durability test at different age, the effectiveness of different admixtures to lightweight aggregate concrete will be analyzed. The results showed that: The slump will change with different types of green building materials added, but it still conforms the design slump which is 75mm~100mm. The maximum compressive strength is 10% of glass powder added. Ultrasonic wave velocity is affected by replacing amount and properties of green building materials, the impact velocity range of 120 days for the control group is about 98%~105%, Electric resistance is affected by chemical properties most, Electric resistance of 30% of fly ash and glass powder is higher than the control group. The result also showed that adding the green building materials in lightweight aggregate concrete can not only reuse waste recourses but also promote the implementation of environmental protection issues.
