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Explore the Web-Site Satisfaction and Continue Use Intention by System, Behavior and Social Aspects



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Previous studies of IS adoption behavior were focused on internal users in organization, and demonstrated information system by system aspects. System aspects were not comprehensive enough to explain external users who have diversity using motivations. According to the different considerations on several roles of website users such as website operators, website content users, and information communicators, this study is trying to discuss their considerations by technology acceptance model (TAM), flow theory, and theory of reasoned action (TRA). There are 171 males (51.20%) of 334 participants. Results show that the perceived ease of use affects on perceived usefulness and perceived flow; the perceived usefulness directly and indirectly affects on satisfaction and behavior intention; the influence of perceived flow on behavior intention is stronger than on satisfaction; the influence of social norm is more significant on perceived usefulness and satisfaction than on behavior intention.


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