  • 期刊


The Tendency of Foreign Direct Investment under Global Financial Crisis


海外直接投資被許多國家視為經濟發展的重要媒介,尤其開發中國家以及轉型中國家更是以吸引海外直接投資為首要目標。本文探討近年來海外直接投資的趨勢變化,特別是針對不同經濟體的成長速度、以及全球各洲與各重點產業的投資分佈情形加以分類比較。另外,進一步針對金磚四國(巴西、俄羅斯、印度及中國)以及亞洲四小龍(台灣、南韓、香港及新加坡)等重點投資區域,分析其海外直接投資的發展能力。 研究結果顯示,從各經濟體、區域以及產業來看,其海外直接投資發展的重點並不相同。特別是從2007年下半年開始,全球陷入金融風暴,此一全球性的經濟危機,對於各經濟體、區域以及產業的投資反應,也是有不相同程度的影響。


Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been regarded as an important medium of economic development by many countries. It is the priority target for attracting more FDI in particular in developing and the less developed countries. This paper describes the FDI tendency in recent years, particularly focusing on the different growth speeds between the developed economy, developing economy as well as the transitional economy. In addition, the study also compares the different FDI distributions based on global regions and major industries. Furthermore, it will focus on and discuss the FDI variation of the Four Asian Tigers (Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore) as well as the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) after the financial crisis. The research finally shows that FDI developments under different economies, regions and industries are not growing with the same path. Especially, the global financial crisis, which began to beset the global economy from the second half of the year 2007, has caused various degrees of influence on economic spheres around the world.


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