  • 期刊

Learning Experiences of Nursing Students from Classroom Storytelling by Parents of Children with Disabilities



目的 本研究目的旨在探討在職專班護理系學生在課室聆聽殘障病童父母親訴說故事的學習經驗。背景 現今護理教育較少探討以電影、故事書、或個案研究為教學工具的相關文獻,但護理教育工作者需運用不同的教學方法以促進學生的學習及臨床能力。方法 運用質性研究的焦點團體作為本研究方法,團體訪談以半結構式訪談為導向,資料收集時間為2009年,以台灣中部某大學的護理系學生為研究對象,三個班級共有156位學生研修兒科護理學,其中有34位學生自願參與本研究分享他們的學習經驗。結果 自焦點團體訪談的結果呈現三個主題,包括重新面對護理照護(心理層面、關懷及文化)的重要議題;促進學習興趣及理解性的學習;及珍惜生活。結論 運用父母親至課室說故事的教學策略可協助學生從父母的角度反思自己的護理工作經驗,這種反思不僅可以促進學生的專業能力及確保將知識運用於臨床情境,也可因為珍惜自己的生活而在自己的生活中添加意義。


Purpose The aim of this paper was to explore the learning experiences of post-registration nursing students who listened to parents' classroom storytelling about their children with disabilities. Background The nursing education literature provides little information about using movies, books, or case studies as teaching tools. Nurse educators should use a variety of teaching methods to enhance students' learning and clinical competencies. Method For this qualitative study, focus group interviews were used and guided by a set of semi-structured questions. Data were collected in 2009 from nursing students at a university in a metropolitan area of central Taiwan. Of 156 students enrolled in three classes on paediatric nursing, 34 volunteered to share their learning experiences from the storytelling lesson. Results Analysis of the focus group interview content revealed three main themes: facing again the important issues (psychological, caring, and cultural) in nursing care, enhancing learning interest and comprehensive learning, and cherishing their lives. Conclusions The teaching strategy of parents telling their stories in the classroom helped students to reflect on their nursing work experience from the parents' perspective. Such reflection not only enhanced students' professional capabilities and ensured that knowledge was put into clinical practice, but also added meaning to their lives by helping them to cherish their lives.
