  • 期刊


The Exploration of Factors Related to Acceptance of Hospice Care by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients


目的 慢性阻塞性肺病已納入八大非癌安寧療護健保給付,但關於此族群對安寧療護的接受度尚不清楚。因此,本研究旨在瞭解慢性阻塞性肺病患者對安寧療護的知識、態度及接受度,並探討其相關因素。方法 採相關性研究設計,收得有效問卷共160份,問卷內容有安寧療護知識、態度及接受度量表。結果 安寧療護知識平均得分13.06(標準差3.29;範圍5~20 分);態度平均得分34.59(標準差5.56;範圍17~44 分);接受度平均得分23.53(標準差6.36;範圍9~34分)。男性安寧療護態度高於女性、教育程度較高者安寧療護態度高於較低者;年齡越大安寧療護知識、態度、接受度越低;聽過安寧療護者其安寧療護知識、態度、接受度皆顯著高於未聽過者;親朋好友中有因末期疾病而過世者其安寧療護接受度顯著高於沒有者;願意接受安寧共照者 其安寧療護知識、態度、接受度皆顯著高於不願意接受者;安寧療護知識得分越高,態度越正向,接受度越高。結論 可協助慢性阻塞性肺病患者及早認識安寧療護,提供生命末期更好的照護選擇。


Purposes The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been included in the eight non-cancer hospice care insurance payments, but the acceptance of hospice care in this population is unclear. Therefore, the aim of this article was to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and acceptance of hospice care in patients with COPD and to explore its related factors. Methods A cross-sectional relevance study design was adopted and 160 valid questionnaires were collected. The content of questionnaires had scales of knowledge, attitude, and acceptance in the hospice care. Results The average score of knowledge of the hospice care was 13.06 (Standard Deviation 3.29; range 5-20 points). The average score of attitude toward hospice care was 34.59 (Standard Deviation 5.56; range 17-44 points); and the average score of acceptance of the hospice care was 23.53 (Standard Deviation 6.36; range 9-34 points). Regarding gender difference, males were higher than females in the attitude toward hospice care. Regarding educational level, higher education levels were associated with favorable attitude toward hospice care than lower education levels. Regarding age difference, older people had lower knowledge, attitude, and acceptance of hospice care. The knowledge, attitude, and acceptance of patients who had heard about hospice care were significantly higher than patients who had never heard about it. The acceptance of patients with relatives or friends who died due to terminal disease was significantly higher than patients with relatives or friends who had not died due to terminal disease. The knowledge, attitude, and acceptance of those who were willing to accept hospice care was significantly higher than those who were not. The higher the knowledge score of hospice care, the more positive was the attitude and the higher was the acceptance. Conclusions This study attempted to help in early understanding of hospice care in COPD patients, and to provide better options of care in the end of life.
