  • 期刊


Intermediality, Role's floating Signifier: Problems of Puppet's Song in 1970s




布袋戲 歌謠 媒體 電視 唱片


According to these music styles, there were three main traditions or ”schools” of puppet theatres in Taiwan: Nanguan, Beiguan and Zhaodiao. In the early years of the 20th century, the musicians of Beiguan created many new tunes for puppet theatre. The new style of music was more and more fashionable, which characterized by simple and variety. This tendency provided the more powerful and more improvisational performance. After the World War II, a few of the glove puppet troupes had started making a revolutionary change in the manipulation, in the music of puppet, and they succeeded in the commercial theatre.Bur there are many problems about the puppet's song: how many it exist and how it could to be used in the performance. By analyzing the beta of my field work basically, we'll intend to re-consider the subject under the following heads: first, we'll sketch the historical context of the puppet's song from commercial theatre to theatre on television, especially, the shift from a live demonstration to a disk record. More and more, we had seen that puppet theatre use tape recorders and phonographs and changed their performance style from quasi-opera into the narrative.Secondly, we should notice that the historical phenomenon of puppet's song is not only a popular song, but also a hybridity of puppet theatre/ television/ disk record, as the word' hybridizations of the media' of McLuhan, or 'intermediality' of Patrice Pavis.Finally, the song of disk record was been used to create the role of puppet theatre, and the meaning of the character more colorful and more ambiguous by the result of 'floating signifier' of Levi-Strauss. We'll re-estimate the song as a'ready-made', the word of avant-garde artist Duchamp, and reflect the possibility of puppet's creation.


puppet theatre popular song media television disk record


戴獨行。1971。〈臺視推行新西遊記 孫悟空幕後主唱是娃娃歌手〉。《聯合報》1971/01/11第5版
Cabanne, Pierre、張心龍譯(1986)。杜象訪談錄。臺北:雄獅。
McLuhan, Herbert Marshall、鄭明萱譯(2006)。認識媒體:人的延伸。臺北:貓頭鷹出版社。
Pavis, Patrice(1992).Theatre at the Crossroads of Culture.London:Routledge.


