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Musical Features and Theatrical Uses of Jin-La- Man-Chang Rhythmic Mode in Xiqu



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The jin-la-man-chang (slow singing with fast accompaniment) is a distinct rhythmic mode of the ban-qiang genre in xiqu. The accompaniment plays one or two beats per bar, while the vocal line is unmeasured. This study explores how the jin-la-man-chang combines with actor's movements to depict the role. The two time-flows in jin-la-man-chang helps to effectively convey the outside-relaxed, inside-tensioned situations in the drama. The regular pulses embody our sensory experiences, thereby having a significant power of emotion contagion. In longer sections of the jin-la-man-chang, the accompaniment often accelerates to create an emotional climax. The jin-la-man-chang is also apt to combine with other rhythmic modes for depicting the role's psychological processes. Moreover, the slow section after the jin-la-man-chang may allow the audience to shift to an aesthetic perspective, obtaining insights into the drama. This study ends with an analysis of the Peking opera Xu Ce Runs Over the City Walls, in which Xin-Fan Chou (the founder of Qi school) used jin-la-man-chang and bodily movements to express multilayered emotion.

