  • 期刊


East Taiwan Culture Creativity Design-The Analysis and Evaluation of the Innovative Design in Pine-garden Historical Site Construction


本研究旨在探討東台灣文化創意產業,以花蓮縣「松園別館」結合文化創意產業為個案的研究對象,深入研究及分析古蹟建築再利用為永續經營管理之行銷策略。藉由文件的分析及深度訪談方式進行研究。近年來,世界經濟體系已逐漸轉變,從早期的農、林、漁、牧等級產業,慢慢進展到製造加工、服務業。直到現在所謂的「知識經濟」時代產業,產品的本質已從「有形」轉變為「無形」觀念,這樣的轉型,造就了講求以思想、創意和想像力的時代,也就是所謂的「文化創新經濟」時代。而古蹟建築結合文化創意產業的創新設計正適切的說明了其真正的行銷策略與意涵。 台灣東部保存了豐富的人文地理環境、史蹟及各項族群風格的建築物。因此,地方政府與旅遊業者分別設計出不同的古蹟建築與文創景點結合的創新旅遊設計,使得文化創意產業的「無形財」轉變為豐富而有內涵的「有形財」。文化經濟是以文化和學習做為定位的知識性內容產業,這些內容包括歷史文物古蹟、農作物的獨特產地、藝術原創作品等等,消費者必須親自體驗才能享受這些獨特「內容」。研究者對本研究目的分述如下:(1)暸解松園別館的歷史沿革與定位,(2)分析松園別館的古蹟之再利用與策略,(3)探討松園別館與文創結合的可能問題及(4)根據研究結果提出問題評析與建議。


古蹟建築 再利用 樂活 文化創意


The major purpose of this research is to analyze and evaluate the recycled movement of Pine-garden's historical site construction. Pine-garden is located in the east part of Taiwan, this building was rebuilt into a literature and art space with the concept of vacant spaces recycling. By analyze and interview the different experts' opinion, we could understand the Pine-garden's marketing strategy and management between historical site construction and cultural creativity industry. In recent years, the world's economic system has transformed gradually from the early faming and forestry, fishing to the manufacture processing and service industry. The name of ”knowledge economy industry” was recognized by the public at the same time. Further more, the major concept of industrial production has been changed from visible production to invisible production. Such reforms accomplished with the thought, creativity and imagination so-called ”the cultural innovation economy.” The historical site construction combined with culture creativity industry innovative design marketing explained the real meaning of the ”cultural innovation economy.” The east part of Taiwan has preserved rich human geography environment, historical site construction and different tribal style arts, therefore, the Local authority and the traveling entrepreneur designed different travel projects such as the combination of historical site construction and cultural creativity industry. These efforts caused the words of ”cultural money” to ”real money.” The major purpose of this research is to analyze and evaluate the combination of the cultural creative industry design and Pine-garden's historical site construction in east part of Taiwan. By analyzing and interviewing the different experts' opinion and the data collection, we could get the results as following: (1) Understanding the Pine-garden's historical evolution and localization; (2) Analysis the rebuild of the Pine-garden's historical site construction management and the design strategy; (3) Inquire the Pine-garden's potential problems of the combination of the historical construction site and cultural creativity industry; and (4) Proposed the question evaluation and the suggestion according to the findings.


魏漢陽(2012)。歷史性建築保存活化機制之探討:修復 再利用 委外經營之整合操作〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2012.00146
