  • 期刊


A Multiple-Case Study of the Factors Affecting the Implementation of Business Blogs in Taiwanese Service Industry


隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,「企業部落格」的興起已逐漸成為實務界所關切的重要課題之一,近年來,國內外已有企業將部落格運用在內部溝通、知識分享及顧客關係管理上,亦有許多企業透過建立部落格來達到行銷的目的,以感性行銷為訴求拉近與消費者的距離,進而提昇企業的競爭優勢。「部落格」由於具備互動性、溝通性、傳播性、連結性、內容創作以及開放性等Web 2.0之特質。因此,逐漸成為傳播訊息的新興媒體與管道。儘管有許多企業隨著潮流趨勢紛紛建立企業部落格,然而,卻因為無法有效的運用或著眼於短期的利益,在成效上往往不如預期理想,從部落格的相關文獻亦可以瞭解到許多不同層面的因素影響企業部落格之導入與建構成效。本研究主要目的在於依據以往企業部落格相關理論與文獻基礎,深入探討相關因素對企業部落格建構與經營之影響,本研究採用個案研究方法並以服務業為研究對象,訪談四家已建立企業部落格之個案公司,從企業部落格建構之目的面、效益面及管理面等三個實務層面探討影響企業部落格建構與經營成效之因素。根據個案實際訪談結果,本研究提出相關研究分析與結果,此研究結果可以提供實務界做為建構與經營企業部落格之重要參考。


As the rapid progress of internet, the emergence of business blogs has been considered as important issues for practitioners. In recent years, business blogs have been used in internal communication, knowledge sharing and customer relationship management (CRM) for many enterprises in Taiwan and other countries. Furthermore, numerous enterprises apply business blogs to the marketing, and enhance the competitive advantages for enterprises. Since the ”blog” owns the characteristics of interaction, communication, dissemination, link, content creation as well as openness and so on, therefore it gradually becomes the emerging media and channel for dissemination. According to the literatures, we can find that numerous enterprises have implemented business blogs. However, the effectiveness is not as expected. Moreover, the development and applications of ”enterprise blogs” have also received growing attention from researchers. The main purpose of this study is to examine and explore the factors affecting the implementation of business blogs from the perspectives of benefits, objectives and management. This study uses multiple-case study method to understand the implementation practices of business blogs of those four case companies, and four directors from different companies were interviewed. This study induces seventeen research propositions. The implications of the findings for practice are discussed. Moreover, this study will provide a valuable reference for business managers who are implementing business blogs, and for researchers interested in the implementation of internet applications.


Business blogs Internet Web 2.0 Case study Service industry
