  • 期刊


The Continually Deepen Progress of Chinese People Weak Nation's Psychology after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95 by Analyzing the Pro-Japanese Tendency of Chinese Domestic Newspapers and Periodicals during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05




During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, Chinese domestic newspapers and periodicals revealed the obvious pro-Japanese mood. The causes were complex. The weak nation psychology, performed clearly as awe, worshiped Japan, even did not hesitate to conceal the evil for Japanese troops in this Pro-Japanese tendencies, experienced a continually deepening progress beginning with lose in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. As a result of huge disparity between the reality and goal, this psychology not just in response to the realities of national crisis, but also surmounts the weak country reality to have some distortions. A large number of countrymen worship, awe, even fawn on the powerful nations, overly counted and dependent on them, envy and superstition in strong civilization. What's more, their crisis consciousness on the nation's demise brought about all sorts of emotional and psychological, disappointment and new hope, which brews one kind of social atmosphere and social thought tending to radicalism. As a fundamental psychology, weak nation psychology exerts a profound impact on afterwards history, including thought, behavior and policies of countrymen and government.
