  • 期刊


Voices from the Frontline: Nurses' Impact and Coping during the 2003 SARS Outbreak in Southern Taiwan


2003年亞洲的SARS風暴中以護理人員承受的壓力最大。本研究目的為以焦點團體法探討護理人員面對SARS風暴時的衝擊及因應,對象為南部某醫學中心於2003年4月至6月間,曾在隔離病房照顧疑似或可能SARS病患的護理人員。27位護理人員組成四個焦點團體,透過團體會談及觀察收集資料,並利用質性分析軟體ATILAS 5.0進行內容分析。護理人員面對SARS風暴之衝擊及因應分為「照顧SARS病患之衝擊」、「與醫療團隊的互動」、及「因應SARS風暴的力量」三大面向。直接照顧SARS病患之衝擊依序分為:面臨專業倫理的衝突、遭受歧視、面對隔離病患的壓力、擔心感染SARS、擔心家人受到傷害。與醫療團隊的互動經驗為:孤立無援、混亂與朝令夕改。因應SARS風暴的力量為:自我裝備、同舟共濟、重要他人的支持,這些策略讓護理人員撐過了SARS的風暴。護理人員因照顧傳染病患所引發專業倫理的衝突,並激發其因應新興傳染病流行的力量。研究結果可作為未來醫院主管面對新興傳染病時之危機管理、在職教育、及行政支持之參考。


The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 impacted several Asian countries. Healthcare workers (HCWs) were the highest risk persons to be contaminated with SARS, and nurses were the most vulnerable healthcare workers, enduring tremendous stress. The purpose of this study was to describe both the impact on nurses' and the way they coped during the SARS outbreak in 2003. Four focus groups consisting of 27 nurses were conducted at one hospital in southern Taiwan. The tape-recorded group discussions were transcribed and then analyzed, using ATILAS 5.0 software. Impact and nurses' coping strategies were categorized as three aspects, including impacts of caring for SARS patients, interactions with medical disciplines, and coping strategies in the face of the SARS outbreak. Five themes emerged, including, encountering professional ethical dilemmas, being stigmatized, feeling stressed by caring for patients placed in quarantine, fear of being contaminated with SARS, and worry about harming their own families. Nurses' experiences of interaction with other medical disciplines were perceived as isolated and chaotic. Positive coping strategies included equipping oneself appropriately, remembering that one was in the same boat as other nurses, and support from significant others. The major impact on nurses came from professional ethical dilemmas and also the invoking of nurses' strengths to cope with tremendous stresses due to the SARS outbreak. Our study findings might be used to contribute to future directions to administrators to implement substantial support and programs for staff nurses.


SARS focus group psychosocial impacts coping


