  • 期刊


Factors Influencing High-School Students' Smoking Behavior from the Perspective of Problem Behavior Theory


本研究從問題行為理論的觀點,探討影響高中職學生吸菸行為的因素。以台南市2003年高中職在學生為母群體,採分層叢束隨機抽樣抽出1,506位學生,共回收有效問卷1,506份,問卷有效率為91.8%。研究以t檢定、Mann-Whitney U檢定、卡方檢定、階層式邏輯斯迴歸等統計分析法進行資料分析。研究結果發現:在問題行為理論中,除人格系統的自尊及自我控制未呈統計上的顯著差異,其餘變項均與吸菸行為呈統計上顯著差異。在基本特質下,家人對吸菸態度、同儕吸菸狀況、香菸易得性、學校表現及偏差行為等為最主要的影響因素,對高中職學生吸菸行為的解釋力有33.1%,顯示家人、同儕與社會等環境對高中職學生吸菸行為有相當的影響力,建議學校護理人員在推行青少年遠離菸品活動時,宜考慮提昇家長嚴禁其子女吸菸的態度,和結合學校、家長與社區商家力量,共同營造無菸的環境。


The purpose of this research was to investigate factors influencing high school students' smoking behavior from the perspective of problem behavior theory. The study population was the students of a senior high school and a vocational senior high school in Tainan City in 2003. A two-step probability proportionate sampling procedure was used to choose the study sample. In total 1, 506 students were chosen, and 1,382 students completed the questionnaire (effective rate=91.8%). The data were analyzed by t-tests, Mann-Whitney U, χ^2 test, and hierarchical logistic regression. The results of this study indicated: Apart from the variables of self esteem and self control from the personality system of problem behavior theory, all the variables in both perceived environment system and behavior system were significantly related to students' smoking behavior. After controlling for school level and gender, the variables of family attitude toward smoking, peer smoking behavior, ease of access to cigarettes, school performance and deviant behaviors accounted for 33.1% of the variance in smoking behaviors. This finding reveals the significant role of parents, peers and society in adolescent smoking behaviors. It is suggested that school nurses conducting activities to encourage adolescents to distance themselves from cigarettes might adopt strategies of enhancing parents' restrictive attitudes towards child smoking, and promoting cooperation between parents, school and community in creating cigarette-free environments for their adolescents.


