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The Effectiveness of Programming Curriculum of National Dong Hwa University-From the Observational Dimensions of Cost, Growth, Differentiation, and Integration


本研究的目的在於以東華大學壽豐校區96學年度學士班實施課程學程化的現況,作為分析課程學程化實施成效的案例,研究中以詮釋結構模式(ISM)作為文件分析的方法,詮釋結構乃參考Charles Wiseman提出的五項策略推力為基礎,進而修改為成本(Cost)、成長(Growth)、特色與差異化(Differentiation)、整合(Integration)等四項成效分析的構面觀察向度,由研究者以前述四個向度初擬出成效分析架構草案,經過東華大學課程規劃小組進行的內部討論、修正與凝聚共識後,再透過東華大學校級課程委員會全體委員的外部檢核修正,建構出四項成效分析構面的11項成效參考指標,接著以這11 項成效參考指標,開始蒐集成效分析的質性資料或佐證數據。經由本研究的分析歸納後發現,東華大學實施課程學程化的具體成效至少可以包括以下四項:1.課程學程化能降低大學生選修學分之成本;2.課程學程化比較容易引導各系學生之學習成長;3.課程學程化可以成為東華大學修讀制度之差異化特色;4.透過排課時段與課委會諮詢意見之整合,能幫助學生完成跨領域第二專長學程之修讀。


This study analyzed performance of the programming curriculum of the 2007 undergraduate program at the National Dong Hwa University Shoufeng Campus using a documentary analysis method of interpretive structural modeling (ISM). Based on the five strategic thrusts proposed by Charles Wiseman, the ISM adopted and revised the theory into the four observational dimensions of performance analysis cost, growth, differentiation, and integration. Based on the four dimensions, the authors initially proposed an analysis framework draft. The 11 performance indicators of the four dimensions were validated via discussion, revision, and agreement among the curriculum design group of the university, and external checking and revision by members of the University Curriculum Committee. This study then collected qualitative data and statistics using the 11 performance indicators. Analyzed results of the performance were expressed as follows: (1) The programming curriculum can reduce the cost of elective credits for undergraduate students. (2) The programming curriculum can enable the learning and growth of students from different departments. (3) The programming curriculum can become a distinguishing characteristic of National Dong Hwa University. (4) Students can complete cross-discipline programs for a second specialty by scheduling their elective time and integrating the University Curriculum Committee's suggestions.


