

從「關係行銷法」到「體驗行銷」,由「品牌領導」到「運動行銷策略」大師們皆在提醒行銷戰中千古不變的生存之道,便是永遠要跟消費者站在一起(程紹同,2004)。企業欲融入消費者的生活之中,且能使消費者從產品本身的實用功能轉化成對品牌的一種情感、承諾與體驗,莫過於『參與式的運動行銷』。2004 年IN 臺北國際馬拉松活動當天共吸引約10 萬人上街頭參與馬拉松路跑活動,參加人數創以往同類型活動之記錄,本文的主要目的即是希望透過分析2004年ING臺北國際馬拉松的行銷策略,彰顯新經濟時代下,運動贊助個案之行銷活化策略所扮演之重要觸媒角色與價值,供國內運動與企業往後合作之重要參考。透過文獻分析法拉松的行銷策略共有1.電視廣告;2.ING路跑俱樂部;3.ING臺北國際馬拉松暖身賽;4.公益活動;5.獅子拜票團;6.志工招募;7.色彩行銷;8.馬拉松網路遊戲;9.ING臺北國際馬拉松數位攝影比賽;10.嘉年華會等。


From ”Relation Marketing” to” Experiential Marketing”, ” Brand Orientation” to” Sport Marketing Strategy”, experts always stress the unchanging rule of survival in the battles of marketing: stand on the same side with your customers (Cheng Shaotong, 2004). If the enterprise wants to get into the life of a customer and develop brand attachment, loyalty and experience from practical product functions, ”participative sport marketing” will be the best way.The 2004 ING Taipei International Marathon attracted about 100,000 participants, which set a whole new record compared to the similar events previously. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the value and importance of activation strategy in sport sponsorship and its role as a catalyst in our new economic era by analyzing the marketing strategies of the 2004 ING Taipei International Marathon. The results can be used as reference for the future collaboration between sport organizations and enterprises.Using the document analysis method, we find that the 2004 ING Taipei International Marathon Event adopted t he following marketing strategies: 1.TV advertisement; 2.ING Running Club; 3.warm-up games of ING Taipei International Marathon; 4.public welfare activities; 5.lion requesting team; 6.volunteer recruitment; 7.color marketing; 8.internet marathon games; 9.digital photography competition; 10. carnival.




