  • 期刊


Analysis of Deep Construction of Campus in Urban by Space Syntax


進入知識世紀,城市競爭的基礎轉為創造和知識累積,大學在城市中的角色變得非常重要。具有前瞻性、整合性、永續性的大學校園,才能在本質上真正協助與提升教學與研究的服務水準,應該重視大學校園的價值,好的大學校園是成為世界一流大學的必要條件。中國大陸的大學有一些是老校要進行改造,有一些是因應教育科研的需求要新建校園,這些新建的校園主要面臨兩個問題,一是校園規模大,二是設計到建成的週期短,如何借鑒世界一流大學校園的經驗,找到一套分析方法,確定建成的校園是符合校園文化並且具有順應未來內外部變化的能力,是極需要探討的。 本次研究分析內容以“大學校園深層結構的型態特徵與行為學意義”為主,最終目的就是希望建立一套大學校園深層結構的分析方法與原則,這套方法必須是整體性的,各個大學經由這套分析方法可以衍生一部校園的總體指導方針。


In the knowledge economic era, the urban competitiveness is to create and accumulate knowledge. Universities and their campuses play important roles in urban. Campus with farsightedness、integration and sustainability can essentially assist and promote education and research level. We should respect the value of campus. An outstanding campus is the essential condition for a university to become the first-class one in the world. In Mainland China, some are old campuses that need to he improved, some are new-established campuses to conforming the requirement of education. The newly built campuses mainly face two questions: one is the large scale, the other is the short cycle from design to accomplishment. How to learn the experience of best campuses in the world and to find a set of analysis method which can make sure that the campus has the ability to adjust inside and outside changes need to be researched. The analysis is mainly about the morphology characteristic and behavior significance of the deep construction of the campus. This ultimate goal of the research is to establish a set of analysis method and principle which should be integral. Every university can produce an integral guiding principle of itself.
