  • 期刊

Integrating Collocation Instruction into a Writing Class: A Case Study of Taiwanese EFL Students' Writing Production



本研究探討英語字詞搭配教學對學生動詞相關搭配詞(動詞+名詞、動詞+副詞、副詞+動詞)寫作的影響及搭配詞誤用原因分析。字詞搭配指經常共同出現字彙中,有特定的搭配關係,例如英文中常見的動詞+名詞組合write a check開支票,make a decision做決定,and do the laundry洗衣服。這些片語中的動詞,即使文法正確,也無法輕易由其他動詞取代。文獻中發現以英語為第二或外語學習的學生不易習得搭配詞知識,尤其是動-名詞片語。本研究因此於學期中,一週一小時共兩週,在一班大二寫作課實施字詞搭配教學,並於課堂中持續引導學生注意字詞搭配用法。23位同學的期初(第一次)及期末(第五次)作業經收集、標記,並使用MonoConc軟體蒐尋、分析,以比較教學前後,學生寫作搭配詞的誤用狀況。結果顯示,學生的搭配詞錯誤大部分為動-名詞片語,此類錯誤則起因於缺乏搭配知識、母語干擾、字形類似、詞類誤用。文中並討論如何運用研究結果於實際教學。


This study investigates the effect of collocation instruction on EFL students' writing performance of verb-related (i.e., verb+noun, verb+adverb, adverb+verb) lexical collocation and the sources of students' miscollocations. Collocation refers to the relationship of words showing constant co-occurrence, examples are the verb-noun combinations write a check, make a decision, and do the laundry. In these phrases, the verbs are not easily replaced with other verbs regardless of the syntactic correctness. In previous studies, English as second/foreign language students were found to perform at a low level of collocational competence, in particular the V-N phrases. Instruction on collocation was carried out in the middle of a sophomore writing class, one hour each week, for two weeks. Two writing assignments (the first and last ones) from 23 students were collected and tagged. A concordancer MonoConc was applied to search and analyze these students' written performance before and after the instruction. The results show that the verb+noun phrases account for most of the errors and the sources of the verb-related collocation errors fall into the following categories: lack of collocation restriction knowledge, L1 interference, approximation and incorrect word form. Implication of the study is discussed in the paper.
