  • 期刊


To Exam the Effects of Employee's Organizational Commitment on the Relationships between Job Needs and Job Satisfaction: The Analysis of the Comparative Industries in Taiwan


由於文獻中有關人力資源管理的研究者,對員工工作需求與工作滿足研究的範疇頗不一致,致個別在工作需求滿足理論與實證上有不同程度的貢獻,特別是對員工工作需求及工作滿足的研究,未由全方位的立場考量組織承諾其關係衝擊的變化;因此本研究目的即對工作需求及工作滿足相互連繫的分析,並由員工追求工作需求的導向中,投入組織承諾的干擾因子,觀察員工獲得工作滿足情形。經採多變量統計推論法,對實際調查資料進行統計檢定分析,結果發現組織承諾確實如Donovan and Radosevich (1998)所述,為一項有效的干擾因子,尤其是大企業比中小企業明顯,經組織承諾介入干預的任務後,只要對此愈正面的認知或較高的承諾,則愈會使工作需求刺激出工作滿足效果。而在不考慮組織承諾干擾工作需求與滿足的情形下,金融業較一般產業能使整個工作需求帶來滿足感,特別對專精需求有相當的顯著性;一般產業則員工的成長需求極能促成工作上的滿足,顯然為本身意念的實踐引起工作愉快的滿足。


Because of the researchers of human resource management in the articles, they define the dimensions a lot difference between job needs and satisfaction. It results in different degree contribution to the job needs satisfaction theory and empiric by case, especially the researchers studied about the job needs and job satisfaction of some industry employees, and they don't consider organizational commitment impacting the relation variation in all ways. Therefore, the purpose of this paper aims at the relationship between job needs and job satisfaction from the linkage analysis each other. This research is based on the supposition that employees seek job needs, and to observe how employees obtain job satisfaction with or without the moderator of organizational commitment. After investigation and data analysis using multivariate statistics to test, it is observed that the organizational commitment is indeed an effective interfering factor, just as Donovan and Radosevich (1998) described. If corporate employees have more positive awareness or the higher compromise of the organizational commitment, the job needs would stimulate more job satisfaction, so this factor would result in job needs producing job satisfaction. While not considering that organizational commitment influences with job needs and job satisfaction, the financial industry brings more job satisfaction to all job needs than other general industries, especially in these professional or specialized areas.


